GMT ... GREENWICH MEAN TIME This is a small program extracted from an aircraft navigation simul- ation. It is included here as a demonstration program to enable the user to become familiar with ODTV09. Copy ODTV09.FIL to the system device and run the program. Insure the LTC is on. The start command from ODT is "22562;G". The MENU will be displayed at the first breakpoint which has been preloaded. After perusal, type ";P" to continue. The 2nd breakpoint will write the display containing several symbols associated with the program and ODTV09. Type ";P" & "D" to start the program running in dynamic mode (real time). EXCLGT contains a "-1". To start the timer, it must be cleared. Use keyboard commands as outlined in ODTV09.DOC. FFLG.0 thru FFLG.2 will also effect it's operation as follows: FFLG.0 = 1 start the timer FFLG.1 = 1 stop & retain time count FFLG.2 = 1 stop & clr the timer Type "B" several times and observe the effect. Then SET/CLR unused function flags to observe the "blinking" of changed symbols. Use options to modify the display, adding or rearranging until familiar with the sequence and commands. Use the ACUM.L to interject a different "BINHRS" count etc. Change the mode of the display from octal to decimal. Using both keyboard commands and altering the program flags to obtain the desired result. "^B" returns to ODT, "^C" will exit the program. Good luck, I hope ODTV09 saves you as much time and frustration as it has me.