ABS.TXT -- ABSTRACT AS REQUIRED BY DECUS V1.00 9-DEC-90 DISK BENCHMARK PROGRAMS AND DATA Many computer users are interested in the actual data transfer rates achieved when real controllers and disks operate with a real operating system, doing real data transfers, as compared with the data transfer rates claimed in manufacturers' literature. 13 test programs were written to exercise the various operational parameters of a disk, while doing the type of transfers that might be observed in real-world applications. These test programs were run on a wide variety of disks by many DEC end-user sites and a few manufacturers. The test programs were run on disks ranging from RX01 through the more common cartridge disks, on to some relatively large and exotic Winchester and memory disks, and even on an Ethernet virtual disk. The results are presented in tabular form so that direct comparison is possible. The results of this project are very interesting to those interested in real-world disk performance. SEE PAPER PRESENTED AT FALL 1984, 1987, 1988 AND 1990 DECUS; "REAL WORD DISK COMPARISONS" FOR RESULTS ON MANY DISKS!