============================ FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.126 ============================ Filename CRC Size Description ------------ ----- ---- ----------- -FOG/CPM.126 MDM740 - CP/M communications software. //CPM126.DOC An overlay for your specific computer is required. /AUG/86 . See the following disks for overlays. M7FNK .COM 50 7C MDM740 internal function key editor M7FNK .DOC B2 EE Instructions for using M7FNK M7LIB .COM 12 AE MDM740 dialing library number editor M7LIB .DOC 27 D9 Instructions for using M7LIB M7NM-1 .AQM A3 17 Phone number overlay for MDM712 or earlier M7NM-6 .ASM 39 54 Phone number overlay for MDM740 M7RV-7 .AQM 76 86 Racal Vadic VA2121PA modem dialing overlay MDM740 .COM D6 7E Uninstalled MDM740 distribution version MDM740 .DOC 27 5F Documentation and instructions MDM740 .INF F2 BC Description of features MDMLNK .COM BD A5 Self prompting program for installing overlays MDMLNK .DOC 7E 47 on MDM7, MEX, or IMP ------------ ----- ---- ----------- Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) to the extent not copyrighted by the original author for the exclusive use and enjoyment of its members. Any reproduction or distribution for profit or personal gain is strictly forbidden. For information, contact FOG, P. O. Box 3474, Daly City, CA. 94015-0474.