/082082 /DBREDBREAD reads selected numeric variables from a dBase II .DBF file into the current data set. Options allow random record or record number selection. Format: DBREAD in-file \ /DBWRDBWRITE writes the current data set out in dBase II .DBF format. Field definition can be specified or a "template" file can be used for field definitons for all matching variable names. Format: DBWRITE out-file template-file \ /DEPVEnter a single variable name or number \ /DATAData related commands are as follows: CREATE Create a new data file FETCH Read in an existing data file EDIT Edit an existing data file SAVE Save memory data set on disk file TRAN Transform current data set PULL Add variables from another file BUILD Transform a variable from another file APPEND Append data from another file PRINT Print data set RAND Random number generator SORT Sort data set READ Read ASCII data file WRITE Write ASCII data file DBREAD Read dBase .DBF file DBWRITE Write dBase .DBF file \ /DIR Similar to CP/M DIR command. e.g., "B:*.SDF" will show all .SDF files on drive B. Entering "*.CMD" will show all .CMD files on the default drive. \ /DESCDESC provides basic descriptive statistics. The three DESC commands are: DESC : Mean, Standard deviation, variance, standard error of mean, coefficient of variation DESC1 : DESC plus median, mode, minimum, maximum, range DESC2 : DESC1 plus skewness, kurtosis \ /EDITEDIT is the function which allows modification of a data file using keyboard input. The file must already exist. To create a new file use CREATE. \ /EQUA[variable]=expression of variables and constants \ /FETCFETCH reads in an existing data set from disk for use in subsequent commands. The whole data set is read, including any missing values. \ /FNAMFile names for data sets and command files are entered without extensions. The following extensions are assumed: .SDF for data sets .CMD for COMMand files Disk drive may be supplied in standard CP/M format \ /FREQFREQ provides a frequency analysis report. Standard variable selection applies plus the last variable selection can be followed by a blank and a range of values which are to be listed. If no range is specified, all values will be printed for the selected variables. Report includes Z scores. \ /END