*CW. D. Johnston, Computer Generated Maps, part 1. Byte May 1979. p10. ff.*ADescribes general algorithms for handling geographic data and converting it to various projections. Includes discussion of building a data base. Several nice example maps.*KGRAPHICS /MAPS /PROJECTIONS /*E *CBlum, R., Representing Three Dimensional objects in your copumter. Byte May 1979. p14 ff.*ADiscusses input of data for three dimensional objects. Examples of digitizing photogrraphs from two different positions.*KGRAPHICS / 3-D /DIGITIZER /PROJECTIONS /*E *CRitter, T. and J. Boney. M6809 is silicon. Byte, May 1979. p30-31.*ADescribes initial fire-up of Motorola M6809 chip.*KMICROPROCESSOR /6809 CPU /NEWS /*E *CCiarcia, Steve, Communicate on a Light Beam. Byte, May 1979 p32 ff.*ADescribes some experiments with fiber optics. Uses a small laser for light beam communication at low bit rates.*KHARDWARE /FIBER OPTICS /LASER /*E *CMorgan, Christopher, The Superboard II, A suprising single board computer from OSI. Byte May 1979.*AA short description of the OSI 6502 based SBC with BASIC in ROM. Note that a limited floppy disc system is available.*KOHIO SCIENTIFIC /6502 CPU SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER /BASIC /*E *CHaas, Bob, Single chip video controller. Byte May 1979. p52.*ADescribes the characteristics of four new video controller chips. The Intel 8275, Motorola MC6845, National Semiconductor DP8350, Standard Microsystems Corp. 5027. These devices incorporate many video circuit functions which simplifies making alphanumeric and in some cases, graphic capability. The MC6845 is most extensively discussed, with a circuit diagram included.*KVIDEO CONTROLLER /VIDEO DISPLAY /*E *CLentz, Bob. 6800 Disassembler. Byte May 1979. p104-106.*AShort description and listing of a 6800 disassembler.*K 6800 CPU /DISASSEMBLER /ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE /*E *CBeard, David J. Spacewar in tiny BASIC. Byte, May 1979.*APresents some BASIC routines to do coordinate transformations for use in 3d spaceship model.*KGAMES /SIMULATION /COORDINATE TRANSFORMATION / 3-D /BASIC /*E *CTennant, Chris. The Intel 8275 CRT controller. Byte, May 1979. p130.*ADescribes a video display made with the Intel 8275 chip. Long and extensive article.*KVIDEO CONTROLLER /CIRCUIT /*E *CSmith, Randy C. Smart Memory, part 2. Byte, May, 1979 p 150.*AGives "black box" logic diagrams for associative memory circuits. Part one contained the main description of uses.*KASSOCIATIVE MEMORY / MEMORY /*E *CMaurer, W. D. Simultaneous input and output for your 8080. Byte, May 1979 p164.*AGives assembly language examples for queue manipulation which can be used to give "simultaneous" input - output.*K 8080 CPU /ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE /QUEUES /IO /*E *CGorney, Len. Queuing theory, The science of wait control Part 2: System types. Byte, May, 1979, p176.*AShort discussion of applications of queue simulation. Example simulation in BASIC of one pump gas station.*KSIMULATION /QUEUES /BASIC /*E *CBall, John A., Trigonometry in two easy black boxes. Byte, May, 1979 p184.*ADescribes use of "CORDIC" transformation techniques in two subroutines. Only adds, subrtracts, shifts, and multiply - divide functions are needed. These routines apparently have some favorable speed properties. Example program given in BASIC.*KCOORDINATE TRANSFORMATION /BASIC TRIGONOMETRY *E E uss patterns of blooms a