.po 0 TESTING SYSTEM This is a test of superscripting3XT5 This is a test of the underlining This is an example of normal GEMINI 10X printing under Word Star This is an example of double strike printing(^D) This is an example of bold face printing (^B) This is an example of Emphasized printing (^Y toggle) This is an example of Alternate Pitch (^A, ^N) This is double strike alternate This is bold face alternate This is an example of Enlarged print (^Q, ^W) This is double strike enlarged print This is bold face enlarged print This is Emphasized Enlarged printing  This is alternate enlarged print This is alternate enlarged double This is alternate enlarged bold  Bolä  facå  (^B© anä doublå strikå (^D© takå effecô  betweeî  thå control characters. Emphasizeä  (^Y© ió iî effecô foò thå entirå line®  turî ofæ witè (^Y) on the next line. That is, after the >. Alternatå  (^A)¬  (^N©  provideä condenseä  letteró  betweeî  thå controì  characters®  Caî  bå  mixeä  witè  enlarged®  Emphasizeä alternatå ió noô allowed® Uså multé strikå instead® Turî ofæ witè (^N) at the start of the next line (see above). Enlargeä (^Q)¬ (^W© provideó expandeä letters® Condenseä enlargeä ió abouô thå samå aó normaì emphasized® Terminateä bù (^W© oò thå enä oæ line® Bå carefuì abouô leadinç spaces® Normaì anä enlargeä may also be mixed and emphasized and multistrike as well.