.pl48 .mt 5 .mb 3 .op PAL-Assembler Summary Description .pa Š.he PAL-Assembler Version 3.1 Nordelektronik GmbH .pn 1 .fo Page # Index 1. Diskette contents 2. Invoking the PAL-Assembler 3. PAL-Program structure 4. Use of simulator 5. Programming of PAL's 6. Limitations .pa Š 1. Diskette contents The following files are part of the PAL-assembler: a) PALASM.COM PAL-Assembler program b) PALASM.TXT Description c) EXAMPLE.PAL PAL-Program example .pa Š 2. Invoking the PAL-Assembler The PAL-assembler is invoded under CP/M by typing PALASM. Thå prograí theî reportó it'ó versioî numbeò anä askó foò  thå namå oæ thå filå tï bå assembled®  Contrarù tï previouó versions¬ the extension must be included, e.g. EXAMPLE.PAL Thå filå ió theî reaä anä assembled® Asseblinç takeó somå timå (approximatelù ± minute.© Ió aî erroò detecteä iî thió phase¬  iô will be reported and the program stops with STOP ERROR. Iæ  thå filå ió assembleä withouô erroró yoõ havå á choicå  oæ generatinç  variouó  printouts®  Usinç  Echï (E© yoõ wilì  geô  á listinç  oæ  youò inpuô file®  Iæ yoõ typå ^Р (control-P©  afteò enterinç  thå  "E¢  yoõ wilì alsï geô á  printouô  (provideä  thå printer is turned on and selected!) Enterinç Ploô (P© listó thå distributioî oæ alì fuseó iî  youò PAL®  Á ne÷ featurå ió thaô yoõ caî no÷ distinguisè betweeî fuseó that never existed, and fuses you burned. Entering pinOut (O) lists the pinout of your new PAL. Tï  transfeò thå datá tï thå PROÍ programmer¬  selecô functioî Hex (H). .pa Š 3. Structure of a PAL-Program Pleaså  refeò  tï thå decriptioî iî thå  PAÌ  Programmablå  Arraù Logiã Handbooë by MMI. Short summary: Line 1 PAL-specification (type) Lines 2-4 Comments Line 5 Start of pin list (20 symbols) Then the appropriate equations for your PAL. Pleaså   notå  thaô  lineó  startinç  witè  á  semicoloî   arå interpreted as comments. Next¬  yoõ  caî enteò á paragrapè startinç witè "DESCRIPTION:¢ which is treated as a comment extending to the end of the file. .pa Š 4. Use of the simulator Thió versioî oæ thå PAL-assembleò allowó verificatioî oæ  youò PAL with a function table. Iî ordeò tï dï this¬  youò PAL-prograí nusô includå á functioî tablå afteò thå logiã equationó abä beforå thå DESCRIPTIONº  witè a structure as follows: FUNCTION TABLE A Pin-List One line containing only dashes ("-") A truth table One line containing only dashes ("-") Thå  pin-lisô ió á sub-lisô oæ youò linå 5®  Onlù selecô thoså pinó  yoõ  consideò  necessarù foò youò  test®  Iæ  yoõ  lisô  aî undefined name, the simulation will abort with an error message. Thå trutè tablå consistó oæ á sequencå oæ thå letteró H,L,X,Z¬ anä  C®  Ø meanó "don'ô care,¢ Ú meanó "high-z,¢ anä à ió á clocë pulså  iî thå caså oæ register-PAL's®  Commentó maù  bå  inserteä freely, provided the first character in the line is a semicolon. Iæ  thå  PAL-assembleò noteó á discrepancù betweeî  thå  trutè tablå anä thå previouslù defineä logiã equations¬  iô wilì reporô an error and continue the simulation. .pa Š 5. Programming PAL's The PAL-assembleò uses RDR: and PUN: for data transmission. Therefore¬  yoõ  musô  issuå  thå  followinç  commandó  beforå invoking PALASM: STAT RDR:=TTY: STAT PUN:=TTY: Iæ yoõ selecô datá transmission¬ thå PAL-assembleò informó yoõ oæ  thå necessarù keystrokeó oî thå programmeò sï iô caî  receivå the data. Pleaså  notå  beforå  programminç PAL'ó thaô  somå  componentó don'ô havå somå fuseó anä youò programmeò wilì displaù á  cautioî message during component test. .pa Š 6. Limitations Thå  PAL-assembleò caî assemblå uð tï 10° lines®  Pleaså  makå surå youò prograí doeó noô exceeä thió limit® Thió applieó tï 64ë computers. .pa Š