OVERVIE× of WordStar (for release 2.2) WordStar„ ió á screen-oriented¬  CP/Í compatible¬  integrateä worä processinç   systeí   specificallù  designeä  foò   non-technicaì personnel® Texô anä commanä functionó arå fullù prompted. Videï  editingº  á  portioî  oæ thå  documenô  beinç  entereä  oò correcteä  ió  alwayó  showî oî thå  CRÔ  screen»  additionó  anä correctionó arå immediatelù displayed. Automatiã  disë  bufferingº  texô ió moveä betweeî disë  anä  CPÕ memorù  withouô useò intervention®  Thus¬  filå sizå ió  limiteä onlù bù disë capacity® Statuó lineº  thå statuó linå displayó thå namå oæ thå filå beinç edited¬  thå page¬  linå numbeò anä columî aô whicè thå cursoò ió located¬ anä command(s)¬ iæ any¬ iî currenô operation. Split-screenº  usinç  á triple-spliô screeî WordStar„ allowó helð menu¬   CP/Í  filå  directory¬   anä  scrollinç  texô  tï  appeaò independentlù oî thå screen. Helð  menusº  fouò  user-controlleä leveló providå  thå  learninç operatoò  witè  comprehensivå promptinç instructionó withouô  thå neeä  tï refeò tï á manual®  Helð leveló maù bå changeä  aô  anù timå tï allo÷ fulì screeî utilization. Directorù  displayº the CP/M file directory is displayed. On-screeî printer-imagå texô formattingº thå effecô oæ margiî typå (eitheò right-justifieä oò ragged-right© anä margiî settingó ió displayeä oî thå screeî jusô aó thå texô wilì appeaò oî paper® Thå texô ió automaticallù formeä tï thå currenô settingó aó iô ió entered® Eitheò settinç caî bå lateò changed¬ anä thå resulô "previewed.¢ Botè settingó caî bå bå mixeä withiî á document® Selectivå marginatioî permitó "cutting¢ arounä aî illustration® (NOTE: Thió paragrapè haó á ragged-righô margin.) * Microspacå justificationº wheî * * printinç  justifieä texô oî  á * *    daisù wheeì printer¬ thå whitå * *    spacå  iî eacè linå ió  evenlù * *    distributeä. * Word-Wrapº  eliminateó thå neeä tï enteò á carriagå returî aô thå enä oæ eacè line® Á worä toï lonç tï fiô aô thå enä oæ á linå ió automaticallù  moveä tï thå nexô line®  RETURN ió useä  onlù  tï indicatå thå enä oæ á paragrapè oò tï creatå á linå space®  Thió eliminateó manù keystrokeó anä increaseó thå ratå oæ texô entry. .pa Š.pn2 .heWordStar Overview for release 2.2 Page \# # of 4 pages. .foWordStar Overview for release 2.2 Page \# # of 4 pages. Powerfuì editinç commandsº  includå deletå character¬  word¬ linå oò block»  set/cleaò variablå taâ stop»  blocë move¬ copy¬ deletå anä  outpuô tï disk»  find»  finä ¦ replace»  write/reaä  from/tï otheò files» set/returî tï placå markers» inserô mode» and more. Dynamiã pagå breaë displayº á horizontaì dotteä line¬ noô parô oæ thå text¬ ió showî oî thå screeî wherå á printeò pagå breaë woulä occur®  Thå pagå breaë linå ió dynamicallù repositioneä wheî texô entrù  oò  deletioî affectó pagå size®  Visuaì editó oæ  á  prinô imagå  allo÷ eveî aî inexperienceä operatoò tï perforí  sophisti cateä texô composition. Pagination and formatting: * User control of page length.          * User control of top and bottom margins.          * Variable heading/footing/page number locations.          * Conditional and absolute pagination directives. Headingó anä Footingsº flexiblå headingó and/oò footings¬ witè oò without page numbers, are easily implemented. Concurrenô  prinô function (backgrounä  printing)º  printinç  and editinç simultaneously, thus improving operator productivity. Printeò supportº á widå rangå oæ letteò qualitù anä linå printeró arå  supporteä  includinç  Diablo¬  NEC¬  anä Qume¬  aó  welì  aó teletypå  compatiblå  printers®   WordStar„  fullù  utilizeó  bi- directionaì printinç capability® Prinô  enhancementsº  Boldface¬  Doublå  Strike¬  Underline“  anä Strikeout¬  variablå  characteò pitch¬  variablå linå heighô  anä alternatå typå stylå oò ribboî color® .LH10 Subscriptó  anä Superscriptó arå fullù supporteä. .LH 8 Prinô enhancementó maù bå useä iî alì combinations® Foò example¬ underlineä anä boldfaceä subscriptó arå supported® Variablå linå heightº is useò defined and easily changed® .LH 20 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 20) .LH 18 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 18) .LH 16 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 16) .LH 14 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 14) .LH 12 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 12) .LH 10 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 10) .LH 8 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 8) .LH 6 This is an example of variable line height. (.LH 6) .LH 8 Variablå characteò pitchº thå pitcè oæ printeä copù ió determineä bù thå useò (pica¬  elite¬ oò youò choicå oæ numbeò oæ characteró peò inch)® Witè á combinatioî oæ typå wheeló anä prinô commands¬ á widå varietù oæ prinô characteristicó caî bå obtained. ŠThe examples below were all printed with a 10 pitch type wheel: .CW19 This is a test of variable pitch. (.CW 19) .CW15 This is a test of variable pitch. (.CW 15) .CW12 This is a test of variable pitch. (.CW 12) .CW11 This is a test of variable pitch. (.CW 11) .CW10 This is a test of variable pitch. (.CW 10) .CW12 CRÔ  compatibilityº  WordStar'ó videï ediô functioî wilì operate¬ afteò suitablå installation¬  oî anù CRÔ oò videï board  16x64¬ 24x80¬ oò largeò thaô haó cursoò positioninç functionó anä thaô ió  accessiblå  aó  á  CP/Í  consolå  device®  Becauså  WordStar„ controló  cursoò  movement¬  therå  ió nï neeä tï uså  á  "smart¢ terminal; thus, equipment cost is reduced. Installatioî  programº  automaticallù  generateó  á  versioî  oæ WordStar„  foò uså oî mosô populaò terminaló anä printers»  allowó optimuí datá transfeò tï printer®  Thus¬ equipmenô changeó don'ô causå delay¬ inconvenience¬ oò additionaì softwarå expense. Ne÷ Features: *    Hyphen-Helpº  ió  á user-controlleä optioî thaô  alertó           yoõ  wheî thå lasô worä oî á linå ió toï lonç  tï  fit®           Yoõ caî chooså betweeî hyphenatioî oò movinç thå  wholå           worä tï thå nexô line® Iæ lateò editinç eliminateó thå           neeä foò thå hyphen¬ iô wilì noô bå printed. * Decimaì  Tabº  allowó  columnó  oæ  numberó  (includinç           dollaò  signó [$Ý anä commas© tï bå typeä aó easilù  aó           operatinç aî addinç machine®  WordStar„ wilì line-uð thå           decimaló  automatically®   Thå  Europeaî  formaô   foò           decimaló anä commaó ió supported. * Paragrapè Indentº temporarilù setó thå lefô margiî tï á           taâ  stoð sï thaô documentó witè multiplå  indentationó           (likå outlines© caî bå typeä easily. * Selectivå  Pagå Printingº  permitó yoõ tï specifù  botè           thå  firsô  anä lasô pagå sï thaô onlù á portion“  oæ  á           documenô caî bå printed. *  Filå  managementº  "copy¢  anä "rename¢  functionó  no÷           possiblå througè WordStar® * Prograí  Executionº   allowó  á  prograí  (sucè  aó  aî           operatinç  systeí utility»  e.g®  STAT© tï bå executed¬           witè automatiã returî tï WordStar® Eliminateó neeä tï Š          exiô tï CP/M. * Easieò scrollingº  continuouó scrollinç no÷ implementeä           witè two¬ insteaä oæ three¬ keystrokes. * Non-displaù oæ prinô controlsº  permitó examinatioî  oæ           texô witè displaù oæ prinô controló suppressed®  Thus¬           thå terminaì screeî wilì displaù á truå prinô image. *  Supporô  oæ  sheet-feedersº  commandó  foò  controllinç           papeò  motioî arå executeä froí printing-controì  codeó           embedded in text» single and twin-hoppeò mechanisms. *   Automatiã    Backspacå    Insertionº    frequently-useä           backspace/overprinô  combinationó caî  bå  accomplisheä           withouô additionaì keystrokes» ió especiallù usefuì foò           foreign language accentó anä speciaì symbols. **  MailMergeº  ió  á powerfuì filå merginç tool®  Iô  caî           takå  datá  froí onå filå anä combinå iô  witè  anotheò           filå   containinç  text¬   insertinç  thå  datá   wherå           variableó arå specified® Thå operatoò caî alsï specifù           additionaì  datá aô prinô time.Re-forminç ió  automatiã           wheî  variableó  appeaò  mid-paragraph®  Datá  caî  bå           selectivelù printeä iî virtuallù anù format® Thus¬ thå           samå  datá  filå useä tï prinô letteró caî bå  alsï  bå           useä foò mailinç labeló oò á customeò list.     ** Multiplå  copù  printingº  allowó thå samå filå  tï  bå           printeä  morå thaî onå timå withouô constanô  operatoò           attention. **  Chaineä   printingº   á   serieó  oæ   fileó   caî   bå           automaticallù printeä bù merelù specifyinç thå  variouó           fileó  bù  name®  Thió featurå alsï reduceó  thå  timå           needeä  tï  creatå documentó anä ió  especiallù  usefuì           wheî  "boiler-plate¢ ió commonlù used®  Disë  storagå           requirementó  ió  significallù reduceä bù  file-contenô           duplicatioî oî thå samå disk. **  Nesteä  printingº   fileó  printeä  usinç  thå  Chaineä           Printinç featurå can¬  themselves¬  contaiî referenceó           tï otheò files. (**) Featureó   availablå   witè  thå   optionaì   MailMerge„           enhancemenô module. .pa Š