pD r% ,"$$b*n+s-)1O3`4Z6|;B1CDiMbNmPWRvUVBVKXXe\\h^ceflhiCm%r~9oD2a;#5`Rk3W!~7,"?G4k+|k rTi0v?t( PERSONAL PEARL - DESIGN FORMS OVERVIEW J The PERSONAL PEARL DESIGN FORMS service allows you to contruct a FORM onK the screen to use later while entering or retrieving data. This involves the following steps: 1 1. Design your form layout on a blank screen. M 2. Define "data input areas" on the form where data is entered and storedas a record. K 3. Select those data input areas that can be used as a general index to'identify and find individual records. F 4. Identify the data input areas requiring data from another form. 6 5. Install the finished form before entering data.* PERSONAL PEARL - DESIGN REPORTS OVERVIEW L The PERSONAL PEARL DESIGN REPORTS service allows you to construct a REPORT; layout. Designing a report requires the following steps: 3 1. Design your report layout on a blank screen. K 2. Define "data output areas" on the report where data will be printed on the report. , 3. Select the sort order for the report. B 4. Identify the data output areas requiring data from another form. A 5. Install the finished report before the report is produced.& PERSONAL PEARL - ENTER DATA OVERVIEW J You may use the ENTER DATA service to enter or edit data on a PEARL dataM file. You may also use this program to browse through your data file based . on any one of the indexed areas in the form. A Your first step will be to select the form you wish to process.: The next step will be to select the menu option to enter data.  H Press ctrl/Q for additional help on each menu, or once you have begun  the enter data program.. + PERSONAL PEARL - PRODUCE REPORTS OVERVIEW M You may use the PRODUCE REPORTS service to print reports from data you haveL entered on your PEARL data files. You may also create a disk file for theJ report which may be listed later or edited with a word processing systemH and/or included in other reports you are preparing with your computer. J During the report process, it may be necessary to sort the data file, > depending on the sort priorities requested during the designB of the report. If so, you may be prompted to mount the SORT disk during processing. L Prior to creating the report you may specify selection values so that onlyK selected records will be included on your report. Prior to creating the J report you may also specify a disk file name on which to place the final report.D Each form defined for PERSONAL PEARL is identified by a NAME and aG DESCRIPTION which you provide. You may enter the name of a previouslyF defined FORM which appears in the FORM directory, add a new NAME, orC delete an existing form. Enter the FORM name and press RETURN to % add or select, or ctrl/O to delete. A The FORM DESCRIPTION is provided as an aid to you later on when> you select a FORM from the PEARL FORM DIRECTORY. You provide@ the DESCRIPTION when you add a new FORM. Enter the DESCRIPTION now, then press RETURN.D The FORM has been added to the DIRECTORY. You may now press RETURNB to continue processing the FORM you have added, or you may enter! a different name if you desire. G Press "Y" if you wish to delete the FORM name which you have entered,5 or Press "N" if you do not want to delete the FORM.   M Enter 1 to design the layout of the form to be displayed during data entry.L Enter 2 to design the layout of a report to be produced from entered data.- Enter 3 to enter data into a designed form.' Enter 4 to produce a designed report. C If you are designing a new form, enter option 1, then each of the= subsequent steps until the form is installed. Steps 3 and 4C are not required to install a form. You may return to any step if> you wish to make additional changes. More help is available1 after you have selected any of the steps above.H In order to LAYOUT a FORM just key information onto the screen the way@ you would type out a form on a piece of paper in a typewriter.D Mark those areas into which data will be entered by using "_" for E character or textual information, and "9" for numeric information.C Seperate data areas from background text with at least one space. For example: E NAME: ______________________________ AGE: 99 SALARY: $999,999.99 BIRTHDATE: mm/dd/yy B Note that in the above example "$", "," and "." were used in theD area where the salary will be input and "mm/dd/yy" was used in theG area where the birthdate will be input. By designating input areas inF this manner you will insure that you have allocated enough character$ spaces for the input of this data.F Your form cannot be installed until at least one data input area has6 been specified using option 2 of the selection menu.E Your report cannot be installed until you have defined at least oneG line as a DETAIL, SUBTOTAL, or TOTAL area. (You may have defined only HEADING and/or FOOTING lines.) J After you have entered the form layout, the next step is to specify the G areas into which data will be placed. Do this by placing the cursor A on the first character of the input area. Then press the ctrl/BC combination. The data input area will be highlighted. You will beJ prompted to give the data input area a name (used for later reference ofD the data). Specify whether or not the data is always required andD must be entered in order to complete the form, and finally whether. the data will be textual, numeric or a date.D Enter a one to seven letter or digit name that can be referred to G later when designing reports and other forms. For example: "NAME", D "ADDRESS", "PHONE", "AMOUNT", "TOTAL", "CUST", "CUST2" and so on. 7 The first character of an area name must be a letter. = Enter "Y" to prevent operator from leaving this area blank.0 Enter "N" to allow this area to be left blank. B The "C" option allows both characters and numbers to be entered.J The "N" option specifies that the data input area is numeric and may be H used in calculations. The "D" option specifies that the data input A area should be validated as a DATE when the form is filled out. H A FORMULA may be entered to compute an input area based on other areasG in your form. You may use "+" to add values; "-" to subtract values;M "*" to multiply two values together; and "/" to divide one value into another.E You may also use "(" to indicate the order in which the computationL should occur. For example: (A + B) * C means to A and B together, and toN multiply the result times C. If no parentheses are used, multiplications and9 divisions will occur before additions and subtractions.D Position on any data input area which contains data which will be D indexed to find and identify individual records when so desired. F Then press a ctrl/B combination. You will be prompted to enter the H options associated with an indexed area. Commonly selected categories+ include: names, I.D. numbers, and so on. D Designating an area to be used as an indexed area allows you to goF directly to the FORM or a set of FORMS by simply typing a keyword orC number contained in the indexed area. Indexed areas are used for ! browsing through the data file. M For example, if an input area contains names, and the input area containingI the name has been designated as an indexed area, you may go directly toB that form or set of forms starting with the name SMITH or JONES.B Enter a ctrl/P to highlight those input areas which have already" been specified as indexed areas.             D Enter "Y" to designate that the area is an indexed area, or "N" to designate that it is not. C Enter 'Y' to show there is one and only one corresponding record B for each value placed in the input area. Enter 'N' to show there? may be duplicate names or numbers entered in this input area.4PERSONAL PEARL allows you to 'call' information from(other forms when you are entering data.  2For example, if one form contains summary informa-3tion about customers including a name, address, and1phone number, and another form is used to record 3sales information for customers, you might want to 2get the address and phone number from the summary 4form and place it in your sales form. This is done 2by specifying that the data should be the same in &both forms based on the customer name. 1When you use this option, the input area name on both forms must be the same.  /For example, use CNAME (Customer NAME) on both 0forms to call the area into which customer name 3will be placed. You might specify CADDR and CPHONE1on both forms also to call the address and phone number. 3Then use this option to call data input areas from 5the other form. Place your cursor on the area which 4also appears in the other form. Then, press CTRL/B 3to specify the way in which the data is to be used.3You may press CTRL/P to highlight all of the input 3areas on your current form relating to other forms.            < Enter the name of the FORM containing the data input area D you wish to reference, or leave name blank for a local data area.  E Enter "Y" if this input area is used to identify and link specific  records from the other form. G Enter "N" if this input area is to be transferred from the other form4 but does not specifically identify the other form.= Enter "Y" if the data obtained from the other form is to be1 displayed, but is not to be saved in this form.A Enter "N" if the data is to be DISPLAYED and then SAVED on this@ form. In the latter case, you may change the data after it has$ been obtained from the other form. F If you are designing a new report, enter option 1, then each of the D subsequent steps until the report is installed. You may return toA any step if you wish to make additional changes. More HELP is ; available after you have selected any of the above steps.@ Enter the name of the report you wish to access, or a new nameB if you are creating a new report. Press return to select or add - the report, or ctrl/O to delete the report. <> The new report has been added to your directory. You may now; enter or change the report layout by selecting the report8 for processing. Press return to select the new report. ? Enter "Y" to delete the report from your report directory, or enter "N" to keep it. C Use option 1 to create a report which will use the same layout asD your input form which you may change. Reports created this way are always of the fixed type. D Use option 2 to copy an existing report. Once you have made a copyA of the report, you may change the layout of the report. ReportsD created this way are always the same type as the existing report.  9 Use option 3 to create a new report on a blank screen. E The description you enter here will appear in the report directory.D The report to be copied could not be located on disk. Either enter; a different report name, or press ESCAPE to return to the report directory. I Use a FIXED-type report when you wish each form to appear on a separateJ page. FIXED-type reports are useful for form letters, preprinted forms, and labels. B Use a LIST-type report when you wish to summarize the data from D the input forms, placing many lines on each page. When you create J a LIST-type report you may specify page headings, footings, grand totals and summary subtotals. J Use the SuperCalc spreadsheet option when you wish to create a SuperCalc4 spreadsheet input file from your PEARL data file. J When you use this option the data output areas in the report will become "cells" in the spreadsheet.  F The name of the report you entered has been added to the directory. C The report layout was already on a disk file even though the nameE of the file was not in the report directory. You may now change the+ report layout by selecting the same name.B The name of the report you have entered has already been used as? a report name for another form. PEARL does not allow the sameL report name to be used by two different forms. Please choose another name.F Enter the name of a report which you have previously defined. If youC do not remember the name of the report, press ESCAPE to return to the report directory.C The input FORM for this program has not yet been created. Use theA DESIGN FORMS option to create the form, then select this option or choose a different option.D In order to layout a FIXED-type report, proceed in the same manner you would to layout a FORM.   E Once you have done the layout for the report, you may then identifyD the areas on the report where information from your data file will be placed during printing. C You may also specify the order in which the forms will be printedC based on any of the information present in the form. For example:@ the report could be sequenced by name, address, zip code, etc.> In order to create a SuperCalc spreadsheet file, a report isA created from your data file. However, instead of being printed,@ the information you indicate is placed in a file which may be A read in by SuperCalc for subsequent processing by that program. D The SuperCalc report is similar in format to the LIST-type report.B Each set of detail, subtotal, or grand total information, may beC placed as a row of data in the SuperCalc spreadsheet. Within each= of these three groups, each output area you specify will beA placed as a "cell" in the spreadsheet beginning with the second cell in each row. F A LIST-type report is used if you want to list summary information, A and to compute totals or subtotals from the information in your@ form file. You may also specify headings and footings for each page of the report.           !(MORE-- press RETURN to continue)? As you layout a LIST-type report, you must specify the group 4 category you are entering as one of the following: K HEADING - this information will appear at the top of each printed page. A DETAIL - this information will appear in the report for eachinput form processed. B SUBTOTAL - this information will appear in the report each timethe first sort field changes. F TOTAL - this information will appear at the end of the report.  F FOOTING - this information will appear at the bottom of each page. 7 In order to change the group category of the report ? control being entered, press the ctrl/C. The current type of 6 information being entered will appear in the bottom ! left hand corner of the screen. I Once the category of information being entered has been set for a line,? it may not be changed unless the entire line is deleted. Once? the category has been set, the indicator on the bottom of theB screen will change automatically as you position the cursor into& a line of information on the screen. D The special symbol #### may be used in the report layout to supply the current page number.C The special symbol will force a blank line on the report.4 The special symbol will cause a page break. F Specify the name of a data input area in your input form in order toA print information from your data file. If the output area is toA be computed during creation of the report, use a new name, thenC specify the formula to be used to compute the area based on other data areas in the input form.C In order to specify a new data output area in a report, place theF cursor on the first character in the output area, then press ctrl/B.@ At this time the full output area will be highlighted, and you! will be asked to name the area. C If the output area is to contain data which has been placed in anE input form, use the SAME NAME you used to name the data input area.G If the new area is to be computed then a NEW NAME should be assigned.  G All of the areas specified for output are highlighted on your screen.     I A FORMULA may be entered to compute an output area based on other areasK in your form. Those other areas need not be present on the report as longI as they have been defined on the input form. For example: if two areasL on your input form are named HOURS and RATE, you could compute and place J the product in your report under the new name of GROSS by entering GROSS; as the output area name, and using FORMULA: HOURS * RATE.E A FORMULA may use "+" to add values, "-" to subtract one value fromK another, "*" to multiply two values together, and "/" to divide one valueG into another. You may also use "(" to indicate the order in which theF computation should occur. For example, (A + B) * C causes A and B to3 be added and the total to be multiplied times C.  J In a FORMULA, expressions in parentheses are executed first, followed byF multiplications and divisions and last, additions and subtractions.     L You may not compute a value which is also specified as being an data input area from another form.K 1 - Unbalanced parenthesis, 3 - Order of input area names and L 2 - Input area name is too long, arithmetic operators is invalid, ORH . 4 - Area name starts with a number.F Use this option to specify the order in which the forms on the inputH file will be placed on your report. For example, if you have the inputD areas ZIP, STATE, and NAME on your form, you may specify that the E file should be sorted in order by STATE, then ZIP, and then NAME byD specifying the sequence for STATE, ZIP, and NAME as being 1, 2 and 3, respectively.J The normal order of a sort may be reversed by typing an R underneath the7 selected area. (B comes before A, 2 comes before 1).E If no SORT priority is specified, then the report will be in random' order as it appears on the data file.D Subtotal processing on list type reports is dependent on the firstH sort priority. Records with the same value for the first sort priority9 data area are grouped together for subtotal processing.       > You may call in data from other forms when a report is being= created by using this option. Select the data area which is? used to reference the other form by placing the cursor on theA area, then press ctrl/B to specify the manner in which the area is to be used. ? Note that once another form has been called by specifying theD indexed area to the form, any of the input areas in the other form may be used in computations. C An indexed area may be used to identify and find another form, or1 it may be output once the other form is called. ? Once another form has been called, any area in the other form? may be used in a FORMULA for an output area by specifying the= other form name as the prefix in the formula. For example,C if an employee master form (EMPMAST) contains the pay rate (RATE)C for an employee, and the form is indexed by an employee id numberB (EMPID), then the pay rate may be used in a formula by using the name EMPMAST.RATE.; Enter the name of the FORM which contains the information$ you wish to include in the report.B Enter "Y" to indicate that the data in this input/output area isG being used to identify and find specific records from the other form.D Once the other form has been identified, you may use data from the: form in other output areas using "N" as an option here.  Enter 1 to enter or edit data. 1 Enter 2 to create a report from your data file."FILE MAINTENANCE SERVICE OPTIONSD1. FILE SUMMARY DATA--tells you how many records are on your data Dfile, the file version number, the amount of unused space in your ,file due to deletion of data records, etc.F2. REBUILD INDEX--will rebuild the index to your data file and will Brecover data records added or edited during your last update if Gyour files were not closed properly during update due to an external Fmalfunction. This option is required if you have changed the index +spec-ifcations for an existing data file.D3. COMPACT DATA FILE--may be used to recover unused space in your Ddata file which has resulted from the deletion or editing of data Bon the file. Use the FILE SUMMARY DATA option in this menu to Cdetermine how much space you will recover by using this option. CUse of this option also causes data for input areas which have 8been deleted from a form to be removed from data file." FILE MAINTENANCE SERVICE OPTIONSE4. CREATE DATA FILE--use this option to create a data file with no ?data in it. This option allows you to maintain multiple data 6files using the same form layout to update the file.A5. TRANSFER FORM CHANGES--use this option to transfer the form Dchanges to an existing data file. You must use this option if you Chave reinstalled an existing form, and you have data files using <the form on diskettes other than the development diskette.G6. TRANSFER PROGRAM FILES--use this option to move update and report >program files to a production diskette from the development Adiskette. Only the files required by PEARLED and PEARLPR are transferred.1 Enter the name of the form you wish to process.2 If the name does not exist in the menu, you must6 return to the design forms or design reports program# to add the name to the directory.B Enter the name assigned to the report you wish to create. If you? wish to create a new report layout, you must exit and use the) PEARLDR program to design a new report. B Enter 1 to specify which forms should be included in the report.D Enter 2 to change the page size for the report, to send the reportD to a file or to the screen, or for label processing to specify the horizontal count for labels.H Enter 3 after other options have been specified to create your report. = You may specify which forms will be included in your report; by entering a low and a high value for each input area in your input form. < Only those forms which have a value in the areas which are< greater than or equal to the low value specified, AND less< than or equal to the high value specified will be included in the report.> If you wish, you may enter only a low or a high value for anB input area. That is, both a low and high value are not required.1 Press ESCAPE when all values have been entered.B Enter "Y" to proceed, or "N" to continue editing current screen. ? The number of report lines per page applies only to LIST-type= reports. The number you enter specifies the number of linesD which will be printed before skipping to the top of the next page.B This value, along with the total lines per page controls the top and bottom margins.  C The total number of lines per page is the number of lines betweenC the top of each page. If your printer is equiped with a FORM FEEDG option, enter a 0. If your are providing output to the console, this A value specifies the number of lines which will be output before0 pausing to allow you to view the current page. ? No value entered will cause your report to be printed on the : list device assigned to your system. Enter CON: in order: to output to your video screen. Your other option is to > specify a valid file name. For example, B:REPORT.DOC. If no; file name is specified for a SuperCalc report, the output$ will automatically be to TEMP.CAL. = The title you enter here will be printed at the top of each9 page of the report you are creating. It applies only to LIST and FIXED-type reports. ; This option is for form processing when you wish to print: 2 or more up labels. This number specifies the number of labels wide to be printed. < This value specifies the number of columns wide each label0 is when multiple up labels are being produced.O______________________ ENTER DATA _ CONTROL KEY COMMANDS ______________________G U - Save/Replace record B - Switch ADD/EDIT Z - Get next recordK N - Duplicate last item E - Move cursor up W - Get previous recordM P - Print current record X - Move cursor down O - Delete current record< Q - HELP I - Tab forward ESC - EXIT !ENTER DATA - COMMANDS AVAILABLE  part one, cursor positioning: 8command description control key(s) 8------------------- -------------- 8cursor left S or H 8cursor right D or L 8cursor up E or K 8cursor down X or J 'beginning of field A 'end of field F -field forward I or tab8field backward ^, home or back tab8page forward C 8page backward R  D press RETURN for next page or ESCAPE to exit from HELP processing.!ENTER DATA - COMMANDS AVAILABLE part two, other commands: 8command description control key(s) 8------------------- -------------- 8insert mode toggle on/off V 8delete current character G ,delete previous character delete 8delete to end of word T 8delete field Y 8delete current record O 8save/replace current record U 8toggle add/edit mode B 'get previous record W 'get next record Z +Exit escape8Help Q 8duplicate previous item N 8print current form P  D press RETURN for next page or ESCAPE to exit from HELP processing.I While entering data, you will find yourself in either ADD or EDIT mode. I If you are in ADD mode, then enter data into the data input areas untilD the data is complete. Then press the ctrl/U key to add the record B to the data file. The data input areas will then be cleared so 2 you may begin entering data for the next record. E You may switch to EDIT mode by pressing the ctrl/B key combination. D If you are in EDIT mode, you must first get a record from the dataL file in order to change or delete it. This can be done by entering data inH any indexed area, or by pressing the ctrl/Z (get next record). You mayD then delete the record from the file (ctrl/O), or edit the record 0 and then replace it on the data file (ctrl/U).  BROWSING THE FILE  G To browse through the file, toggle into the EDIT mode with the ctrl/BI key combination. The message ENTER KEY will be displayed. Position theE cursor on any indexed data area. Enter some data into the area and I press return. This will position the index and return the next record  with the value entered.  B You may now browse forward through the file with the ctrl/Z key < combination, or backwards with the ctrl/W key combination.   .  . F In order to delete a record, first bring the record up for changing.B A delete request cannot be implemented now because no record has been obtained for deletion.7 Enter a "Y" if you wish to delete the current record.J Otherwise, enter a "N" to continue processing and not delete the record.C PERSONAL PEARL is ready for you to enter data to be added to yourG data file. Use the RETURN or TAB key to move from area to area duringD data entry. Press RETURN twice on the last area to add the record.K Enter "Y" if you wish to abandon the changes to the current screen areas.E Enter "N" if you wish to continue changing the current data record.L PERSONAL PEARL is waiting for you to enter a KEY name or number in an areaN in order to obtain a record from your data file to be displayed, changed, or: deleted. You may also use ctrl/Z to get the next record.I Enter "Y" to terminate ENTER DATA processing. Enter "N" if you wish to continue.K Enter ctrl/B to return to ADD mode, ctrl/Z to get next record, ctrl/W to M get previous record, or a KEY name or number into an indexed area in order to get another record to EDIT.K You have tried to use an EDIT function in ADD mode. Switch using ctrl/B.I This data area is required. You must enter data into this area before  the data record can be added.J The data you have entered has been added to your data file. You may now N enter data for another record, or use the ctrl/B key to switch to EDIT mode.# The data record has been deleted.K Enter ctrl/B to return to ADD mode, ctrl/Z to get next record, ctrl/W to H get previous record, or enter a KEY name or number in an indexed area ) in order to get another record to EDIT.$ The data record has been replaced.M Enter ctrl/B to return to ENTER mode, ctrl/Z to get next record, ctrl/W to K get previous record, or enter a KEY name or number in an area in order to get another record to EDIT.I The record cannot be added because data in an area specified as UNIQUE E has the same value as another record which is already on your file.A Not enough digits in the area to fit the numeric value entered.@ Enter date in format mmddyy or mm/dd/yy. For example 12/31/81. Non-numeric found in number.O A record on another file cannot be located based on the KEY you have entered.O Enter a KEY name or number, ctrl/Z, or ctrl/W to get next or previous record.; You have come to the end of or the beginning of the file.M You have attempted to process a file prior to installation, or the requiredH program is on another disk. Either INSTALL your program and continue,F or place the appropriate disk with the desired program in your drive and try again.H The report you have selected was not located. In order to produce yourC report, you must INSTALL it first. Return to the DESIGN REPORTS ! program and INSTALL the report.{