1 : Arrays of TEXT not allowed 2 : 3 : undefined 4 : FOR variable must be an integer 5 : Cannot READ an ARRAY 6 : 7 : result var must be local/global 8 : 9 : 10: ARRAY on left of := must be subscripted 11: cannot assign a string to a single char 12: S Y M B O L T A B L E O V E R F L O W 13: duplicate symbol 14: type of argument does not match declaration 15: number of parameters does not match declaration 16: type conflict of operands 17: cannot load array onto stack 18: too many parameters 19: TRUE or FALSE expected 20: cannot use constant on left of := 21: BEGIN/END expected in 22: Hex integer must be > 0 digits 23: arrays must be of same length 24: 25: user defined type expected 26: arrays can be passed as VAR parameters only 27: error 28: case variable must be non-real 29: improperly declared enumerated type 30: enumerated type expected 31: subrange must be a..b where a < b 32: cannot read variable of this type 33: cannon determine size of procedure and/or function 34: 35: undeclared label referenced 36: target of GOTO is outside of current block 37: 38: 39: 40: expected 41: expected for pointer type 42: expected 43: expected 44: variable is not of pointer type 45: use of pointer field without ^ must be last field 46: field does not exist 47: not enough subscripts 48: too many subscripts 99: Compiler internal error (pass1 generated bad data) [ last revised on Feb 14,1980 by MGL ]