1: Error in simple type 2: Identifier expected 3: 'PROGRAM' expected 4: ')' expected 5: ': ' expected 6: Illegal symbol (possibly missing ';' on line above) 7: Error in parameter list 8: 'OF' expected 9: '(' expected 10: Error in type 11: '[' expected 12: ']' expected 13: 'END' expected 14: ';' expected (possibly on line above) 15: Integer expected 16: '=' expected 17: 'BEGIN' expected 18: Error in declaration part 19: Error in 20: ',' expected 21: '*' expected 50: Error in constant 51: ':=' expected 52: 'THEN' expected 53: 'UNTIL' expected 54: 'DO' expected 55: 'TO' or 'DOWNTO' expected in FOR statement 56: 'IF' expected 57: 'FILE' expected 58: Error in (bad expression) 59: Error in variable 101: Identifier declared twice 102: Lower bound exceeds upper bound 103: Identifier is not of the appropriate class 104: Undeclared identifier 105: Sign not allowed 106: Number expected 107: Incompatible subrange types 108: File not allowed here 109: Type must not be REAL 110: type must be scalar or subrange 111: Incompatible with type 112: Index type must not be real 113: Index type must be scalar or subrange 114: Base type must not be real 115: Base type must be scalar or a subrange 116: Error in type of standard procedure parameter 117: Unsatisfied forward reference 118: Forward referenced type identifier in variable declaration 119: Must not repeat parameter list for a FORWARD declared procedure 120: Function result type must be scalar, subrange or pointer 121: File value parameter not allowed 122: Must not repeat result type for a FORWARD declared function 123: Missing result type in Function declaration 124: F-format for Reals only 125: Error in type of standard Function parameter 126: Number of parameters does not agree with declaration 127: Illegal parameter substitution 128: Result type does not agree with declaration 129: Type conflict of operands 130: Expression is not of Set type 131: Tests on equality allowed only 132: Strict inclusion not allowed 133: File comparison not allowed 134: Illegal type of operand(s) 135: Type of operand must be Boolean 136: Set element type must be scalar or subrange 137: Set element types must be compatible 138: Type of variable is not Array 139: Index type is not compatible with declaration 140: Type of variable is not Record 141: Type of variable must be File or Pointer 142: Illegal parameter substitution 143: Illegal type of loop control variable 144: Illegal type of expression 145: Type conflict 146: Assignment of Files not allowed 147: Label type incompatible with selecting expression 148: Subrange bounds must be scalar 149: Index type must not be Integer 150: Assignment to standard function is not allowed 151: Assignment to formal function is not allowed 152: No such field in this record 153: Type error in Read 154: Actual parameter must be a variable 155: Control variable must be local and not a parameter 156: Multidefined case label 157: Too many cases in case statement 158: No such variant in this record 159: Real or string tagfields not allowed 160: Previous declaration was not FORWARD 161: Previously declared as FORWARD 162: Parameter size must be constant 163: Missing variant in declaration 164: Substitution of standard proc/func not allowed 165: Multidefined label 166: Multideclared label 167: Undeclared label 168: Undefined label 169: Base type of set exceeds implementation limit 170: Value parameter expected 171: Standard file was re-declared 172: Undeclared external file 174: Pascal procedure or function expected 190: Error in compiler directive 201: Error in Real constant - digit expected 202: String constant must not exceed source line 203: Integer constant exceeds range 204: Digit exceeds radix. 250: Too many nested scopes of identifiers 251: Too many nested procedures and/or functions 252: Too many forward references of procedure entries 253: Procedure too long 254: Too many long constants in this procedure 255: Too many errors on this source line 257: Too many externals 258: Too many local files 259: Expression too complicated 261: Too many Segments. 262: "FORWARD" declared as Segment 263: All Segment procedures must be first 270: No window variable for untyped files 300: Division by zero 301: No case provided for this value 302: Index expression out of bounds 303: Value to be assigned is out of bounds 304: Element expression out of range 398: Not supported in demo 399: Feature NOT implemented 400: Illegal character in text 401: Unexpected end of input (Premature EOF) 402: Error in writing code file 403: Error in reading include file 404: Error in writing list file 405: Include files cannot be nested