!!! ANOUNCEMENT !!! Severaì  ne÷  featureó arå containeä iî thå 10/15/8²  releaså  oæ youò XOR CP/M. 1.) DIAGNOSE.COM is an automatic, non-destructive system test utilitù thaô wilì tesô systeí memorù anä botè drives® Iô shoulä bå ruî beforå drivå "B:¢ haó beeî accessed®  Thå testó takå abouô µ  minuteó tï ruî anä assurå everythinç ió iî gooä shapå  tï  ruî youò software® Datá ió outpuô tï systeí printeò sï yoõ neeä noô waiô anä watcè thå screen® (Got tï keeð uð witè IBÍ yoõ know!) 2.) BACKUP.COM will help first time users make that initial important backup of their CP/M source disks. BACKUP should be the FIRST program that you run after receiving your computer. The source disk goes in drive "A" and a blank destination disk in drive "B". BACKUP will format the destination disk and copy A to B. (In all XOR systems drive "A" is on the left and drive "B" is on the right.) 3.© HELP.COÍ wilì aiä firsô useró oæ CP/M¬  BASIC¬ anä manù otheò ruî  timå programs®  Simplù typå HELÐ CPÍ . 4.) Maybe this is not a feature but it does have to be mentioned. If your drives are made by TANDON, (a slimline with closing lever at the upper right) the disks are to be inserted with the label (top) to the RIGHT. This is different than the other models used in XOR systems in the past. 5.© Thå disë driveró foò 4¸ anä 9¶ tpi¬ singlå anä doublå sideä miné  5¢ driveó havå beeî turneä oî iî thå distributioî versioî oæ thå CP/Í "A¢ anä "B¢ disks®  Wå stronglù recommenä (iî facô insist?©  thaô yoõ uså thå 51² bytå peò sectoò modå foò  alì  thå miné  types®  Tï ruî minió witè 8¢ drives¬  simplù pluç iî thå driveó  anä ruî DFOCÏ tï formaô thå minis®  Thå commanä linå  tï correctlù formaô á 9¶ tpé doublå sideä drivå iî DFOCÏ woulä be» * DFORMAT C: SIZE 512 MINI96 DBL We are assuming drives "A" and "B" are 8" and drives "C" and "D" are strapped as minis. After formatting and PIPing data to the mini, the operating system may be transferred to the mini useing DSYSGEN. See the manual for specifics on using DSYSGEN. Transfer method #3 where you answer , to the first two questions and then take the OS directly from the 8" floppy and put it on the mini would be the easiest to do. After successfully accomplishing the above two feats, re-strapping the floppy controller so that the minis are "A" and "B" will allow you to boot from them after a reset. Somå  problemó  havå  beeî  noticeä bootinç  miné  floppieó  bù Šcertaiî  manufacturers®  Iô wilì worë buô sometimå noô alwayó  oî thå  firsô try®  Iô ió causeä bù á drivå readù signaì noô  beinç availablå aó ió oî 8¢ systems® Á ne÷ versioî oæ thå 1.8´ proí ió supposeä tï helð thå problem. 8 INCH JUMPER STRAPS AS SHIPPED FROM FACTORY A,B = 8" C,D = MINI O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | | | | |___ | | | | | |___ | | | | | | | | | | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 5 INCH AS A and B O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | | | | | | | | | | | | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 6.©  Á  paralleì printeò driveò haó beeî installeä iî  thå  bioó STDLST.ASM®  Thió  driveò caî bå useä foò centronicó typå cablå interfaces® (Seå thå appendiø foò paralleì cablå wiring.© Threå methodó  maù bå useä tï "turî on¢ thió driver®  Aó shippeä  thå bioó  driveó  thå seriaì porô "A¢ oî thå CPÕ witè alì  CP/Í  lisô output® Tï switcè alì outpuô tï thå paralleì porô oî á temporarù basió yoõ caî seô á bytå iî memorù aô EE33È tï á 01H®  Thió  caî bå  donå witè DDÔ oò BASIÃ witè "POKE¢ instruction®  Thió memorù caî  bå calculateä foò differenô systeí sizeó bù pickinç  uð  thå thå  bioó  jumð tablå anä caî bå calculateä foò differenô  systeí sizeó  bù  pickinç  uð thå warí booô  entrù  addresó  aô  memorù locatioî  ±  anä 2¬  anä addinç 30È tï thaô address®  (30È ½  4¸ decimal) A second method, which is permanent for the disk that the change was made on and all copies of that disk is to use the system utility DDUMP.COM to modify the byte on the system tracks of the floppy. You will find the bios jump table on track 1 sector 20. DDUMP T 1 S 20 EDIT 33 01 . WRITE ^C A third method is to use a text editor to modify the bios source code module IO.ASM which contains the bios jump table. You will need the Digital Research MAC assembler to do this. It may be purchased from your closest U S MICRO SALES distributor. Š Obviously if you should want to switch back to serial output, the same byte should be set to a "0". Notå thaô anotheò compleø printeò driveò optioî haó beeî supplieä iî  thå forí oæ CXLST.ASÍ anä itó  associateä  PRINTER.COM®  Tï instalì  CXLSÔ  requireó  modifyinç  thå bioó  sourcå  modulå  bù editinç thå concatenatioî submiô commanä filå  BLKSYS61.SUB®  Iî thió commanä filå severaì moduleó arå concatenateä bù PIP.COÍ tï assemblå thå systeí bios® Thå distributioî versioî containó á simplå driveò calleä STDLST.ASM® Bù replacinç STDLST.ASÍ witè CXLST.ASÍ  anä  re-assemblinç thå bios¬  uð tï  siø  printeò driveró caî bå residenô iî thå bioó aô onå time® PRINTER.COM will select the printers by simply typing PRINTER 3 (for example). PRINTER.COM can also change the baud rate that is supplied to the respective printer. Source code to PRINTER is supplied on your "B" system disks. Custoí PRINTER.COÍ typå programó caî bå writteî anä renameä DIABLO.COÍ oò MX80.COÍ oò TI810.COÍ (foò example)® Theså caî bå verù simplå programó thaô merelù modifù onå oò twï celló iî systeí memory® Thå celì aô 003DÈ ió useä tï indicatå thå currentlù  loggeä printeò anä thå onå aô 003CÈ tï seô thå  bauä rate®  Á  "0¢  aô  003DÈ meanó thå printeò attacheä tï  thå  CPU channeì  "A¢  seriaì porô ió selected®  Thió ió printeò  £  1® CXLSÔ alwayó initializeó tï thió printer® Printeró 2,3,´ anä µ  arå  expecteä tï bå oî aî optionaì seriaì  expansioî  boarä thaô  ió  availablå  froí youò  U.S®  MICRÏ  SALEÓ  distributor® Printeò  ¶ ió expecteä tï bå thå paralleì porô oî thå  CPU®  Aî examplå oæ á prograí thaô woulä selecô printeò numbeò ³ anä seô thå bauä ratå tï 120° bauä ió aó follows: ORG 100H START: MVI A,03H ; printer select STA 003DH ; cxlst will look here MVI A,07H ; see CPU manual for binary bauds STA 003CH ; upper nib is left brg, lower is RET ; right, here we pgm the right. The baud rate port on the CPU is at I.O. port location 0BH. A slight complication arises in that you probably would not wish to change the baud that the system terminal is running at. In this case you would have to read the CPU baud rate switch and ORI the upper 4 data bits on to your new lower 4 bits before re- programming the brg. Look at how things are done in PRINTER.ASM as an example if you have any problems. Anotheò  commoî probleí wå geô calló oî bearó mentioning®  Iô  ió explaineä  iî  thå Generaì Operatinç proceedureó sectioî oæ  youò manueì  ho÷  tï  puô  thå operatinç systeí  froí  onå  diskeô  tï another¬ buô foò somå reasoî manù customeró don'ô understanä froí Šthå  reading®  Iæ yoõ wanô tï transfeò thå operatinç systeí  froí onå disë tï another¬  simplù loaä DSYSGEÎ anä answeò (N© anä  (N© tï thå firsô twï questionó thaô comå oî thå screen®  Á tablå wilì theî appeaò witè á sub-linå askinç "CODÅ BYTEÓ FOÒ SOURCÅ DISK?". Usuallù  yoõ  wilì neeä tï enteò 1A¬  whicè  signifieó  51²  bytå singlå sided®  Thå otheò commoî codå bytå ió 9A¬ whicè ió foò 51² bytå  sectors¬  buô doublå sided®  Afteò determininç thå typå  oæ sourcå  disë anä drivå name¬  hiô á | Will not work on 8251, use CTS, pin 5 14 _____________V__________ 25 DB-25 / . . . . . . . . . . . .\ - As a MODEM appears - / . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ ( and your computer ) -------------------------- 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F T R R C D G 8 DATA BITS, 1 STOP, NO PARITY R X X T T S N M S S R D Š PARALLEL CABLE WIRING This cable is used for Centronics interface printers. It uses a 8255, PA0-7 are used for data transfer, PB0-7 are tied together for data strobe PC6 for ACK from printer. NOTEº  Thió  cablå  ió  availablå  froí youò  Õ  Ó  MICRÏ  SALEÓ distributor. 26 Pin 36 Pin -------------- -------------- CPU CABLE | | CENT. CONN. (1) AD0 |--------------- -> ---------|D0 (2) (2) AD1 |--------------- -> ---------|D1 (3) P (3) AD2 |--------------- -> ---------|D2 (4) R 8 (4) AD3 |--------------- -> ---------|D3 (5) I 2 (5) AD4 |--------------- -> ---------|D4 (6) N 5 (6) AD5 |--------------- -> ---------|D5 (7) T 5 (7) AD6 |--------------- -> ---------|D6 (8) E (8) AD7 |--------------- -> ---------|D7 (9) R | |______ (9-16)BD0-7 |=============== -> ---------|STROBE (1) | | (21) CD4 |--------------- <- ---------|ON LINE (13) | | (22) CD5 |--------------- <- ---------|BUSY (11) | |___ (23) CD6 |--------------- <- ---------|ACK (10) | | (26) GND |--------------- <-> ---------|GND (17) | | -------------- ----------------- CPÕ  825µ connectoò pinouô lookinç froí fronô witè edgå connectoò aô bottom. 2 4 6 8 26 Serial Conn. ___________________________ ______________ | . . . . . . . . . . . . . | |. . . . . . | |--------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . |\-----|. . . . . . |\----| | --------------------------- | ------------ | | | \__________________________\| \____________\| | | 1 3 5 7 9 25 | | | | | | CPU Component Side | ü | | | - XOR data sciences, inc. -