Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

DSK and DMK Image Utilities

by @ 6:51 pm on December 3, 2009.
[Model I]      [Model III]
DSK and DMK Image Utilities
[Model IV]      [Model 100]

Import/Export between DSK and PC Directory
Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
Windows TRSTools v1.06 June 27, 2011 Matthew Reed TRSTools Page
This is a utility that makes it easier to work with virtual disk images. Features Include:

  • Open an existing virtual disk image (including hard drives)
  • Create a new virtual disk image
  • Add files to or extract files from the disk image (with file dates preserved)
  • Integrated File Viewer to Preview files. Supported Views:
  •      Text files, with any line ending
         Tokenized Model III BASIC programs
         Model III and Model 4 high-resolution images (/HR)
         Model 4 compressed high-resolution images (/CHR)
         Model 4 super-compressed high-resolution images (/SHR)
         EDTASM source files
         CMD program files, displayed as a Z80 disassembly
         Binary files (which can be viewed as a hexadecimal dump)

  • Rename files
  • Delete files
  • Change the disk label and volume date
  • Drag and Drop support to and from Windows Explorer
  • Patch LDOS to Accept File Dates Beyond 2012 (v1.05)
  • Read-only support for the most common Montezuma Micro and LNW80 CP/M formats (v1.06)
  • Read-only support for Color Computer RSDOS disks (v1.06)

  • Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows TRSREAD and TRSWRITE v4.29 June 27, 2011 Matthew Reed TRSREAD/TRSWRITE Page
    TRSREAD and TRSWRITE are command line utilities which allow for the import and explort of files to/from DSK and DMK images. Matthew’s TRS-80 emulators, like most emulators, use virtual disk images rather than actual floppy disks or hard drives. Virtual disk images are representations of floppy and hard disks and contain the same information as real disks.

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows Virtual Floppy Disk Manager (GUI) v0.50
    Virtual Floppy Disk Manager (Command Line) v0.70
    August 14, 2010 Miguel Dutra VDISK Page
    This is a small utility which allows you to access virtual TRS-80 DSK/DMK images at a file level, as if they were normal PC disks. A virtual TRS-80 disk is actually a PC file encoded with information extracted from a real TRS-80 floppy, in order to preserve its content and also to enable its use with TRS-80 emulators.
    The TRS-80 Virtual Disk Manager shows the file name, size, date and attributes of each directory item, supports reading both .DSK and .DMK image files, and allows exporting TRS-80 files to the Windows file system.
    Notice that only read support is implemented at this moment.

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows Emulator File Read and Copy v3.1 2006 Phil Ereaut Home Site
    This program reads DSK files, and displays the disk filenames in a list box. Clicking on a file, allows the file to be saved to a PC folder. It can be used just to view the Files on a .Dsk, if you dont want to copy the files.

    It doesn’t always work, but it has definitely helped me extract files from DSK images which the emulator would not recognize.

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    TRS-80 X/CMD   April 20, 2001 Knut Roll-Lund Home Site
    Transfer utility for David Keil’s emulator between the emulator and DOS

    DSK/DMK Display Utilities
    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Linux or
    CP/M Disk Directory v1.7 July 6, 2007 Jeff Post None
    Will display the contents of a CP/M DSK image. Linux USAGE: ./dskdir MMCPM231.DSK

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows Emulator File and Sector Display v5.0 February 1, 2009 Phil Ereaut Home Site
    Mode 1:
         This program reads .DSK and DMK files, and displays the disk parameters, such as, Type of Emulator file, No of sides, Density, Tracks, Dual density, Tracks start at sector 1, etc. For Newdos disks, it will show the Pdrive paramters of the disk. You can step through, and view the sector information, and the sector density for Dual Density disks. Stepping a Newdos disk, the present lump will be displayed Clicking the directory button, will display the start of the directory. Stepping through the directory sectors will show the File names in the directory, and also in colour, the bytes, that show where the files are located on the disk.

    Mode 2: Sector display
         This mode displays the sector, numbers and Density, on each track, in numerical order, or in the actual interleave order. It also shows the sectors with differing Data address marks. Handy to see the tracks densities, and no. of sectors. On most disks, this can show the Directory sectors, but some early disks have weird combinations of data address marks.

    Mode 3: Hex Editor
         Will display the Hex and Ascii bytes of any file. This was a for myself, to have a look at the funny files that could not be read by the program. I left it in, as it may be handy for someone. For Emulator Dmk, and JV files, it shows the headers, Blocks, Idams, etc, in different colours to easily identify the set up of these files.

    DSK/DMK Analysis Utilities

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows PDRIVE Finder v0.5 2009 Phil Ereaut Home Site
    Will display the PDRIVE settings of any DSK or DMK image which was “formatted” by NEWDOS/80.

    Platform         Utility Name     Version   Date         Author       Home Site
    Windows Emulator File Type and Format Finder 2009 v1.0 February 1, 2009 Phil Ereaut Home Site
    This utility analyzes DSK and DMK files and shows filename, DOS, PDRIVES, Tracks, Density, Sides, Sec/Cyl and SPG. Will also note where Track Sectors start at 1.

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