(List revised 13-Apr-2007): DOSUTIL: DOS utilities LAPTALK: Small/Powerful TTY pgm ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 16550A - 16550A uart FIFO control LAPTALK - TTY with script lang. ANYFILE - Check for ANY file XMODEM - Xmodem/1K/CRC etc. ASMFREQ - Analyze ASM source code ATTRIB - Better "ATTRIB" command GAMES: Assorted games BOOTMENU- Multi config boot ----------------------------------- CALC - TSR calculator BLKJACK - Blackjack (21) game CAN - Permanent args to .COM CASTLE - Large "adventure" game CHAINSAW- Kill directory tree CATMOUSE- Cat & Mouse in a maze CMOS - Read/Write/Verify CMOS CHOPPERS- Animated helicopters COMCHK - Check COM file at load HANOI - Visual "towers of hanoi" CSET - TSR map of PC charset INVADER - Space invaders! DIFF - Show diffs in 2 files MCMAN - Tiny "pacman" like game DUMP - Hex/Oct/ASCII dump pgm MEMORY - Two player memory game EDTABLE - Edit BIOS drive table MMIND - Digit guessing game EQUIP - Show installed h/w MSWEEP - MineSweeper FIND - Better "FIND" command PONG - Two player Ping-Pong FIXDATE - TSR to change sys date PONG1 - Improved "" "" "" FIXYEAR - For non-Y2K sys/pgms SETS - Find sets in a card deck GREP - Like unix "grep" SIMON - Play "Simon-Says" game HEM - TSR trap unexpectd int SNAKE - Classic snake game HEXED - Hex file editor SOLITAIR- Solitaire LZC - TSR Control HP printer TTT3D - 3 dimensional tic-tac-toe MEMSAVE - Save mem image to file MORE - Better "MORE" command MISC: Other misc. programs MTERM - TSR ANSI tty/XMODEM ----------------------------------- NEEDLE - Sector search HD/strings 12DAYS - The 12 days of christmas NRO - Like unix "nroff" 3TO4 - Binary->ASCII encoding OFF - Screen saver ASM86 - 8086 assembler PACKET - Ethernet packet demo BASIC - BASIC interpreter PARK - Configurable HD parker BDIR - Display OPUS/MAXIMUS dir PCD - A "countdown" timer BCHK - Check OPUS/MAXIMUS dir RERROR - Redirect stderr to file BIGNUM - +-*/% very large numbers ROUTPUT - Redirect all TTY output BITARRAY- Example of array of bits RETAB - Retabulate text files BUZZ - Jargon generator SAVERAM - Save RAM image to disk BYTESWAP- Example of using UNION's SCRUB - Clean floppy drive CALENDAR- Calendar for month/year SHOWEXE - Dump .EXE information DEBUG - Demo of debug features SIZE - Show #chars & #lines DUFF - Duffs Device SOUND - SoundBlaster record/play FARSTRNG- Use strings in far mem. STUFF - Stuff keyboard buffer FIBO - Compute fibonacci series TFB - TSR File Browser FORTUNE - A "fortune cookie" TIMEIT - Time DOS commands HELLO - Standard C demo program TR - Like unix TR(anslate) HFTEXT - Text Huffman encoding TREE - Better "TREE" command INT09H - Int9-Disable BREAK/PAUSE TYPE4 - TYPE/tabs at 4 spaces KIDSMENU- mouse/kbd menu for kids UNGRAPH - Translate PC graphics KMEDIT - Editor for kidsmenu UNHTML - Remove HTML formatting LNUM - Large number functions VALIDATE- ID files with 2 CRCs LONGCALC- Long number calculator VIDEO - Video color/attrib table MAGIC - A number solving problem XCOPY - Better "XCOPY" command MDCFS - DOS compat. File System XDISK - Read/Write raw disk img MORSE - Morse code trainer OBFUSC - How NOT to write 'C' CUTIL: 'C' utilities PATHFIND- Path finding algorithm ----------------------------------- PI - Print value of PI CALLS - Display func. call tree PRIME - Calculates prime numbers CCREF - cross referencing program PRIME1 - Faster prime numbers COMEXT - Extract comments PRIME2 - Long prime numbers CSTATS - C source code reporter PTR2FUNC- Demo's ptrs to functions CVTCOM - Convert '//' to '/* */' QUOTEARG- Using "quoted" arguments FB - Find matching {} RAIN - Text 'falls' off screen FCALLS - Another func. call tree RESIZE - How to resize data block FIXLINK - Patch free linker for C RDC - File compression program OBSCURE - Make source un-readable RENUMBER- Renumbers BASIC programs PPC - Pretty Printer for 'C' RLTEXT - Text run length encoding SHELL - Cmd line/interact shell ROBOFACE- Draws a "robot face" SAVEXIT - Trap int21 save exit code MICROCAD: A VGA drawing program SCANEXIT- Find COMMAND.COM variable ----------------------------------- SCODER - Encrypt/Decrypt data MICROCAD- VGA/Mouse drawing pgm SELFDUP - Self-replicating pgm. MCPRINT - Print on LJET / EPSON SIEVE - Classic prime num pgm. MCDRAW - Min. display routines SIGNLONG- Signed long numbers FE - Font Editor STRCON - MCP string concat. demo SUBSET - Show subsets of sets TEXTNUM - Print numbers as words VCRPLUS - Decode VCR+ codes WINDEMO - Demo MICRO-C windowing