
Chris Elmquist chrise at pobox.com
Mon Nov 10 10:41:03 CST 2014

On Monday (11/10/2014 at 06:25AM -0800), Al Kossow wrote:
> On 11/9/14 11:44 PM, Simon Claessen wrote:
> >I have been thinking about making an Arduino sketch to generate the blocks for a new tape
> Norprine tubing works great as a replacement
> http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=104207&catid=664
> The tricky part is cutting it.
> Thanks to Brad Parker for telling me about it.

What's the correct ID to choose?

I assume you then slip it over the aluminum hub after cleaning all the
old roller residue from it?  Do you glue the new tubing to the hub?

Maybe we could get someone to cut proper sized chunks of this tubing
with a laser cutter of some sort so that we have accurate dimensions
with a clean edge?

Chris Elmquist

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