My Data General MV/2500 is Up-and-Running

Pontus Pihlgren pontus at Update.UU.SE
Sat Feb 28 04:45:58 CST 2015


you seem to have some issues with your blog. links from blog post "what did i get" 
goes to some sort of advertisment. Have you been hacked?

Anyway. I have a mv/2000DC that I'm not sure what to do with. This is the very 
machine at its previous owner:

I got some tapes with it that you might find interresting. Perhaps you want the 
whole machine?

It is in Sweden.


On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 09:12:38AM +0000, Stephen Merrony wrote:
> I am delighted to report that after a long time, and with help from
> all over the world, I have finally got my MV/2500DC up-and-running.
> Some details are on my blog
> Now I am resurrecting my DG Assembler skills to bootstrap a file
> transfer program onto the machine...
> Thanks to everyone who has helped.
> Steve
> -- 
> /Stephen Merrony

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