ROM Request: Altos ACS 8000 models with 8000 or 8100 logic board

Jay Jaeger cube1 at
Sun Jul 12 20:40:15 CDT 2015

Further update.  The Z80-A CTC appears to be the culprit.  The logic
analyzer told me that INT# was being asserted (active low) right out of
the gate.  Removal of the chips that connect to INT# and inserting them
one at a time until the symptom re-appeared revealed the CTC chip as
having a problem.   And, if I bend the interrupt pin on the CTC out, the
ROM program proceeds further.  The ROM code gets past the point where
the "%" should appears on the console - but it still does not appear.
But I figure that if the CTC is bad, it is not at all unlikely that the
clock going over to the SIO chip is wrong or even nonexistant.  Plus, a
later chunk of code loops forever waiting for transmitter buffer empty
from the SIO chip.  (Check that tomorrow).

On 7/11/2015 9:46 PM, Jay Jaeger wrote:
> An update:  Although I still expect there is an issue with that loop
> count of 10 (0x0A), I went ahead and stuck my logic analyzer on it in
> state mode just to see what, if anything, was going on.
> The CPU is running and runs the program in the ROM as expected at first.
>  But the program gets to the point of location 0x13, and then goes awry.
>  Noticing that is just after interrupts are enabled, I suspect it is
> taking an interrupt at a location it isn't expecting: in particular, it
> seems to be vectoring through location 0, which of course was not
> intended to be an interrupt vector.  So, the CPU ends up fetching the
> next instruction from address 0x5EED, which is a 0xFF - uninitialized
> RAM, actually - which to a Z80 is a rst 0x38 - which is where the
> program picks up again.
> So, either it should not be interrupting, or whatever is interrupting is
> not placing the correct 8 bits of the interrupt vector there for the
> CPU, so it ends up in the wrong place.
> But, at least I have something to go on.
> On 7/11/2015 2:26 PM, Jay Jaeger wrote:
>> In working on my ACS 8000-2, I managed to dump the ROM and started
>> disassembling it, and almost immediately came up with something strange
>> (see below).  As a result, it is not surprising the machine is totally
>> confused.
>> If anyone has an Altos ACS 8000, models 1 thru 4 or 1S thru 4S, that is,
>> an Altos 8000 with an 8000 or 8100 circuit board, I would really
>> appreciate a dump of the ROM, as mine either has a coding error (in
>> which case there could be more) or a bit pick (in which case there could
>> be more) or some kind of flat-out bug.
>> Even a paper listing would be just fine.  I have at least two different
>> ways I ought to be able to program a 2708 if I need to (and I almost
>> certainly do).
>> Below is what I found, right at the start of my ROM.  The oddness is
>> that the Stack Pointer, which is used to do pop values into BC for the
>> port and byte count for a series of OTIR commands is initialized by the
>> code to point at 0x35E.  Data for these commands starts at 036E.  The
>> iteration count for the overall loop is 0x0A (10 decimal).
>> Here is the problem:  given where the stack starts, 0x35E, that is used
>> to pop successive port/bytecount pairs into BC, there is only room for 8
>> of them before it gets to 0x36E, and the data there is clearly NOT part
>> of the port/bytecount pairs pattern.
>> So, it seems that one of the following is true:
>> - The iteration count has a bit pick and should be 08 instead of 0A
>> - The starting stack pointer has a bit pick, and should be
>>   0x35A instead of 0x35E
>> - There is a coding error (essentially equivalent to the first choice)
>> There is some evidence to support any of these possible choices, though
>> right now it seems most likely that the iteration count of 0x0A really
>> should be 0x08.   If someone has a known good ACS 8000 ROM image, then I
>> could sort it out more easily.
>> Anyway, given this, it is no wonder the machine is getting confused.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> JRJ
>> Input file: test.bin
>> 0000 ED5E       im 2			; Set Interrupt Mode 2
>> ;
>> ;	Initialization outputs
>> ;
>> ;	Port 0A 5 bytes (PIO Y2 Channel A)
>> ;	Port 0B 5 bytes (PIO Y2 Channel B)
>> ;	Port 12 5 bytes (PIO Y4 Channel A)
>> ;	port 13 2 bytes (PIO Y4 Channel B)
>> ;	port 0C 3 bytes (Console Baud Rate, Y3 CTC CH0)
>> ; 	port 0E 2 bytes (Printer Baud Rate, JX CTC CH2)
>> ;	port 1D 6 bytes (SIO Channel A - Console - Y7)
>> ;	port 1F 6 bytes (SIO Channel B - Printer - Y7)
>> ;
>> 0002 216E03     ld hl,0x036E		; HL <- 0x36E
>> 0005 315E03     ld sp,0x035E		; SP <-	0x35E
>> 0008 160A       ld d,0x0A		; D <- 0x0A
>> 000A C1         pop bc			; BC <- (SP)
>> 000B EDB3       otir			; Output, as described above
>> ;
>> ;	In "peudo C", the otir instruction would do:
>> ;
>> ;	do {
>> ;	   output(C,*HL++);
>> ;	} until(--B == 0);
>> ;				
>> 000D 15         dec d			; Total iterations, 0x0A (10) times
>> 000E 20FA       jr nz,0x000A
>> ;
>> ;	Done with initializations
>> ;	
>> 0010 FB         ei			; Turn on interrupts
>> 0011 31FF3F     ld sp,0x3FFF		; Real SP initialization
>> 					; for RAM during boot,
>> 					; Bit 10 MUST be a '1'
>> 0014 3E00       ld a,0x00		; A <- 0
>> ...	Left out the rest of the disassembly
>> 0357 FB         ei
>> 0358 ED4D       reti
>> ;
>> ;	Data appears to begin here.
>> ;
>> 035A 04         inc b
>> 035B 08         ex af,af'
>> 035C 1020       djnz 0x037E
>> 035E 0A         ld a,(bc)
>> 035F 05         dec b
>> 0360 0B         dec bc
>> 0361 05         dec b
>> 0362 12         ld (de),a
>> 0363 05         dec b
>> 0364 13         inc de
>> 0365 02         ld (bc),a
>> 0366 0C         inc c
>> 0367 03         inc bc
>> 0368 0E02       ld c,0x02
>> 036A 1D         dec e
>> 036B 061F       ld b,0x1F
>> 036D 06CF       ld b,0xCF
>> 036F 42         ld b,d
>> 0370 5E         ld e,(hl)
>> 0371 37         scf
>> 0372 BF         cp a
>> 0373 CF         rst 0x08
>> 0374 FC6A37     call m,0x376A
>> 0377 FECF       cp 0xCF
>> 0379 F8         ret m
>> 037A 6C         ld l,h
>> 037B 37         scf
>> 037C DF         rst 0x18
>> 037D 0F         rrca
>> 037E 03         inc bc
>> 037F 47         ld b,a
>> 0380 0D         dec c
>> 0381 60         ld h,b
>> 0382 07         rlca
>> 0383 34         inc (hl)
>> 0384 04         inc b
>> 0385 44         ld b,h
>> 0386 03         inc bc
>> 0387 E1         pop hl
>> 0388 05         dec b
>> 0389 EA0444     jp pe,0x4404
>> 038C 03         inc bc
>> 038D E1         pop hl
>> 038E 05         dec b
>> 038F EA3031     jp pe,0x3130

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