David Gesswein djg at pdp8online.com
Sat Dec 31 12:53:39 CST 2016

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 11:08:43PM -0500, Charles Dickman wrote:
> I am curious if the EAE is used with F4. The Language Manual says it
> is, but it is only mentioned in one place. There is nothing else to
> select using it or not using it. I looked at the sources for various
> parts of F4 and can't see that any of the EAE instructions are used in
> it although I also don't know that I have source for the floating
> point library itself.
It is used though it doesn't make it that much faster. Interpreting
the FPP8 code wastes a lot of time. If you do a save of final program
on computer with EAE it won't run right on non EAE.

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