AT&T 3b2 vs SCSI2SD drive replacement

Pete Turnbull pete at
Wed Jun 1 16:26:50 CDT 2016

On 01/06/2016 22:05, Jerry Kemp wrote:
> I still remember when I had my first 600G (not GR) that got upgraded to
> (3) 327 Mb drives.  I was very excited that I had *just shy* of 1 Gig of
> hard disk storage space available.

When I bought my SGI Indy, I swallowed hard and specced a 1GB drive for 
it, because I'd had experience of 500MB drives filling up.  Not too long 
after that I splashed out on one of those crazy new-fangled CD writers 
and then realised I'd need another 1GB drive to build the images on :-(

Pete Turnbull

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