TU58 / DECtape II: Capstan goo

Jos Dreesen jos.dreesen at greenmail.ch
Wed Dec 8 01:43:23 CST 2021

>    Also, when the tapes arrive, are there recommendations in case their
> drive belts are gone?

You can 3D-print replacements.
Use Innoflex filament, 100% fill-in and the following OpenScad formula :

module ring(d1,d2,w)
    { cylinder( w, d1/2, d1/2,  $fn=230);
      cylinder( w, d2/2, d2/2,  $fn=230);
ring(38.2,35,6); // TU60 Dectape-II

Already 2 TU60 have been repaired with the above.


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