Italians around?

Simon Claessen info at
Fri Dec 26 16:38:56 CST 2014

Hello all,

as I am in the process of restoring a Olivetti Programma 101, Jim 
pointed me to a bunch of documents on the logic in this machine, all in 
italian. The Programma 101 is build using Resistor-Transistor-Logic, and 
the schematic representation is not one i've seen before. So I've 
decided to translate the docs to english and google translate can be of 
some help here, but a lot of the technical meaning is lost.

By looking at the schematics and the boards themselves I could solve 
some mysteries, but I could use some help in translating.

Our machine seems to have intermitted problems and I think they are 
caused by bad contacts in the backplane, but to be shure, a good 
schematic and explanation of the workings is a tremendous help.

Is there someone able to take a look at the originals and my rudimentary 
translation and suggest improvements?
Met vriendelijke Groet,

Simon Claessen

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