RX01 Floppies

Noel Chiappa jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu
Fri Nov 21 15:16:51 CST 2014

    > From: tony duell

    >> the wart-level-detail answer to this question is that '_blank_ RX02
    >> floppies can be created on anything that can create RX01 floppies'

Sorry, I was slightly imprecise - I guess I should have said '_blank_
floppies that an RX02 can use to write double-density RX02 floppies can be
created on anything that can create RX01 floppies'. But the bottom line is
the one I gave: blank floppies which one can use in an RX02 can be created on
anything that can make RX01 floppies.

    > An RX02 drive can reformat an RX01 disk as RX02.

Right, that was what I meant with:

    > an RX02 is fed RX01 floppies, which it then writes in the unique-to-DEC
    > double density RX02 format

If anyone wants to see the gory details, "RX02 Floppy Disk System User Guide"
(EK-RX02-UG-001) has them on pg. 4-41, " Set Media Density (100)".
Sections 1.5.2 ("Recording Scheme") and 1.5.3 ("Logical Format") give the
technical details of the floppy content in quite complete form.


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