PDP-11/04 running CAPS-11

kirkbdavis at hush.com kirkbdavis at hush.com
Sun Apr 5 18:25:33 CDT 2015

NICE! Great video. Thanks for taking the time to make it and put it up.


On April 5, 2015 at 1:39 PM, "Mattis Lind" <mattislind at gmail.com> wrote:
>During approximately one and a half year I have been restoring a 
>PDP-11/04 computer with a TU60 DECassette drive and a LA30P 
>Decwriter. I
>have followed the trail of Lou and got it to run CAPS-11 as well as
>It has been an interesting journey to repair it and actually 
>trying to use
>it give a glimpse of what it was like to develop software 40 years 
>ago on a
>minimalistic system like this. Since it only has 8kW of memory the 
>system uses overlays. It takes at least half a minute to load the 
>environment when you hit the RUN command - and then half a minute 
>to get
>back to the editor again after running. Indeed patience demanding.
>I put together a webpage:
>and a short video when it runs: 

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