IBM Selectric-based Terminals

Mike Ross tmfdmike at
Tue Dec 15 14:05:51 CST 2015

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at> wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2015, at 12:54 AM, Paul Birkel <pbirkel at> wrote:
>> ...
>> I believe that the Selectric came configured for remote operation, but presumably using an EBCDIC-based data stream.  I vaguely recall a DB-50 connector, but it's been an awfully long time ...
>> Does this description sound familiar to anyone?
> For a while, RSTS/E supported 2741 terminals, which are Selectric terminals with a UART interface.  It wasn't EBCDIC -- instead, it had one of several possible conversion tables.  I forgot the  number of bits per character.  Also, the speed used was peculiar: 134.5 bits per second.  2741 support was dropped at some point; I think V7 has it but it disappeared by V9 if not sooner.

That IS interesting. I have two 2741s - one mostly working, needs a
little mechanical fettling, one untested but believed needing work. It
seems I could bring up a pre-V7 RSTS and incant the right runes at it
and the 2741 would Just Work.

What other OSes might have native 2741 support built in, anyone know?

'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother.
Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame.
For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'

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