SIM990/DX10 help?

Sean Caron scaron at
Sun Jan 4 21:56:44 CST 2015

Telnet is a little dodgy but Ctrl-X always brings back the SCI prompt once
you're logged in (given that the system has been initialized from the
console, first). The console (set up as TTY) seems to work with 100%
consistency. Honestly, I might just like to set the Telnet sessions up as
TTY, too, if I could, but this is definitely working well enough to get the
point across now.




On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Sean Caron <scaron at> wrote:

> And if I hit Ctrl-X in my Telnet session /now/ (after I have initialized
> the system; this seems important) as you say, it works! I'm off! Thanks for
> your ideas!
> Best,
> Sean
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Sean Caron <scaron at> wrote:
>> Yeah, I kind of "figured it out"... poring through README.txt and just
>> noodling around a little bit. So, you extract the disk images and run
>> sim990 (still, from a SSH session via PuTTY):
>> sim990 -m 10 -s 512K -c dx10.cfg
>> Once it starts up, from within that window, I found I could hit Esc (not
>> F10) then "!" and then I got an SCI prompt and a message about the system
>> being uninitialized!
>> I ran a "IS" command as described in Vol. 2 of the DX-10 documentation...
>> this system is pretty easy to use... just filled in the date and ran with
>> defaults otherwise. It churned for no more than 30 seconds and eventually
>> it lands at a QUIT message. I let it sit for a while and once I convince
>> myself it's idle, I try poking at it again...
>> Hit Esc and "!" and I get prompted to sign on to SCI now! I logged in
>> with the username and password given in README.txt (SYS001/SYSTEM). I get
>> the SCI prompt at the console, I can run commands just fine. Cool!
>> So, now that I can use the system from the console, I'm trying to test it
>> with Telnet again, to see if it'll behave differently after the system has
>> been initialized.
>> I find that now when I open Telnet sessions to port 2000, I get a prompt
>> to signon to SCI, which I didn't get before, and if I create a new user
>> account for myself using "AUI" at the console, I can get logged in. After
>> login, I'm at the same menu I saw before, but I still don't get a SCI
>> prompt in the Telnet sessions like I do from the console.
>> I strongly am suspecting it might be an "emulation" issue with the Telnet
>> sessions, where the console is set up as a "TTY" while it is expecting the
>> Telnet sessions to look more like a TI VDT. I'm still poking at it but at
>> this point I'm confident I'll get to the bottom of it... or... I can just
>> use it from the console, failing all else.
>> The scheme used for user accounts in DX10 is bizarre and amusing. It took
>> me a minute to figure out that the user ID /is/ the three digits in the
>> account name and they need to be unique across accounts! LOL
>> Woo hoo!
>> Best,
>> Sean
>> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 7:04 PM, jwsmobile <jws at> wrote:
>>> On 1/4/2015 3:35 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
>>>> Below is what I have so far.
>>> Control X is your friend.  It is the "Command" key for some terminal,
>>> and gets a "System is not initialized response back.
>>> Onward to screw up my disk image...
>>>                       T E X A S   I N S T R U M E N T S
>>>                        D X 1 0   S Y S T E M   3 . 7 . 0
>>>                           /DEV   - DEVICE OPERATIONS
>>>                           /FILE  - FILE OPERATIONS
>>>                           /PDEV  - PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT
>>>                           /SMAIN - DX10 MAINTENANCE
>>>                           /SOP   - DX10 OPERATION
>>> Jim

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