Altos ACS 8000-15A

Chris Osborn fozztexx at
Sun Jun 14 16:09:43 CDT 2015

On Jun 14, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at> wrote:

> I wouldn't assume anything with serial ports, especially vintage ones.
> Look into getting a "traffic light" that displays state on LEDs

Back in college in the HP lab we had these really nice RS232 breakout boxes with jumper pins and LEDs that were in a sort of pink case. While I used them all the time I can no longer remember who made them or find anything close.

> Also, some hardware needs hardware flow control present and working.
> Newer stuff is fast enough that mostly, people just do 3-wire serial
> (RxD, TxD, and GND), but stuff from the 1970s is expecting CTS and RTS
> and all that to do the proper things.  

The manual says that it uses DTR for flow control and doesn’t mention DSR, so I suspect it’s a one-way thing like the HP terminals and only tells the other end to stop and will send whenever it wants without checking if it’s ok.

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