AlphaStation 200 NVRAM Problem

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at
Sun Apr 24 12:24:55 CDT 2016

On 24/04/16 15:46, Robert Jarratt wrote:
> The thing I am struggling with at the moment is getting 
> sys$crmpsc_pfn_64 to work so I can use C to test the NVRAM. 

> I seem to have a problem with the service writing back the address and 
> length, but I don't yet know why. Regards Rob 

If you post a few lines of code, someone might spot the problem. I 
assume you are getting SS$_ACCVIO as return?
So either return_va_64 or return_length_64 wasn't passed by reference 
(or wasn't long enough but you'd have to be really
lucky to pass in a 32-bit value that sat at the very end of a page ...)


Antonio Carlini
arcarlini at

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