PAL on CDU-700 / 710 Unibus disk controllers

Glen Slick glen.slick at
Wed Apr 27 16:36:29 CDT 2016

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Ian Finder <ian.finder at> wrote:
> It's the useless tape controller chip variant, but still worth dumping for
> reference?

I wouldn't say a SCSI tape controller is useless, always fun for
installing software from tape just for the heck of it. But that's
beside the point for now.

Anyway, yes it would be still worth dumping the CDU-710/T CSR decode
PAL fuse map just for reference and to confirm that are earlier
attempts are reverse engineering it were correct, and use that as the
starting point for a 710/M or 710/TM PAL in the absence of one of
those to also dump.

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