PDP-12 restauration in center Germany (J?rg Hoppe)

Jörg Hoppe j_hoppe at t-online.de
Sun Jan 10 13:29:56 CST 2016

Am 10.01.2016 um 19:26 schrieb Michael Thompson:
>> Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 17:16:17 +0100
>> From: J?rg Hoppe <j_hoppe at t-online.de>
>> Subject: PDP-12 restauration in center Germany
>> Hi,
>> in case somebody needs companions for cross-tests or likes to exchange
>> thoughts:
>> A few month ago we bought a PDP-12 and are restoring she since then.
>> There is no online-diary about progress (the maching is eating up all
>> time), but see here:
>> http://c-c-g.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=311:pdp12-gekauft&catid=100&Itemid=50
>> The 12 is complete with no visible damages and has some undocumented
>> add-ons (they always have).
>> Especially a MOS memory extension was plugged off very soon.
>> Luckily we could organize an 95% complete 2nd module set.
>> After console exchange (we had indeed a 2nd one!) and much trouble with
>> cpu logic,
>> we can now execute opcodes with DO and FILL/EXAM the core memory.
>> Contact me if you like to visit us, we're sitting near G?ttingen
>> (between Kassel and Hannover).
>> Joerg
> Joerg,
> Take a look at a picture of our PDP-12. It has a PDP-8/I next to it as in
> your picture.
> http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/Home/equipment/dec-pdp-12/dec-pdp-12-restoration/PDP-12_and_PDP-8I.jpg?attredirects=0
> We also have MAI and Wang systems.
Look much better than our stuff!


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