Looking for info on some Olympia CP/M machines - ETX I, ETX II & EX 100

Fred Cisin cisin at xenosoft.com
Sat Feb 17 16:54:01 CST 2018

On Sat, 17 Feb 2018, Robert via cctalk wrote:
> This week, I scored four Olympia boxes - an ETX I, an ETX II and two EX 
> 100s.
> Googling has not been very fruitful. I have established that the ETX
> II and the EX 100 are CP/M machines, SSDD 48 tpi 5.25" and DSDD 48 tpi
> 5.25" respectively
and the ETXIII ("Boss"?) seems to have been a newer version of EYXII with 
3.5" drives, and the Olympia People was some sort of XT.

> and have seen one assertion that the ETX II is
> S-100 based - I won't be able to confirm that until I open it up. I
> found nothing on the ETX I. It doesn't seem to have a floppy drive, so
> may not be a CP/M box.

What connectors does it have?
In those days, DC37 was used for floppies, and occasionally other things, 
so do not connect anything until you confirm what the connector is 
connected to.
In some cases, other connectors were used for floppies, including DB25 and 

> I guess I'll have to power it on and see if it
> gives me a clue as to what's in the firmware.

DO NOT POWER IT ON!, until you open it up and make a visual inspection.

> Does anybody know anything about these machines? It seems like a boot
> disk from an Osborne One would work.

Well, it would physically fit into the drive, AND they are both 
soft-sector, so you COULD bulk-erase the Osborne disk (cue: screams from 
Osborne people), and then create an Olympia boot disk.
The Osborne disk will also not work as a boot disk for a Windows 10 
computer.  :-) 
There were thousands of different disk formats.  And each one had a boot 
disk that was mutually incompatible with the others.
It IS possible that it might share a boot disk with the Olympia Boss

> Most immediately, though, does anybody know which typewriters they
> worked with? I have an opportunity to go back to where I got them,
> today and it would be great if I didn't have to haul off every damn
> typewriter with "Olympia" on it!

Well, you can start by leaving behind any Olympia typewriters that are 
non-electric :-).  and the electric ones that have no provision for 
connectors other than power,  although sometimes the connectors are 
hidden internally and require an additional board, cable, and/or 
replacement exterior panel.

This guy
thinks that it was the 200 series.  But, his mention of "Microsoft 
Wordstar" casts some doubt on the accuracy of his details.  Micropro was 
never affiliated with Microsoft.
(Olympia, being a German? company would definitely have spelled it "disK", 
as you did, not "disC")

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