Looking for DEC RA80 (or RM80, R80) service manual (EK-ORA80-SV or similar)

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at ntlworld.com
Fri Oct 18 15:45:47 CDT 2019

On 18/10/2019 05:51, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
> (I should also note that there is an R80 service manual on Bitsavers -- I
> misspoke (mistyped?) in my initial e-mail.  It doesn't provide a lot of
> details on the drive's operation and I was hoping the RA80 or RM80 manuals
> might be more detailed...)

I'm guessing you mean AA-M186B-TC "RA80 Maintenance Guide", but if not, 
that's there.

(Assuming I've not mis-typed something, I seem to have a later version, 
AA-M186C-TC, but I've not scanned that).

Someone else was looking 10 years ago:


but seemingly with no luck.

I think the FMPS must be on bitsavers but I hit this first:



Antonio Carlini
antonio at acarlini.com

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