More DECnet/E items

Tony Nicholson tony.nicholson at
Wed Jul 1 19:31:38 CDT 2020

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 3:52 AM <jwest at> wrote:

> ----------
> Nice.  I looked at fixing RT11 RTS applications like MACRO, but that's not
> possible because the RT11 date format stops in the early 21st century (5
> bit
> year field).  Perhaps RT-11 has created a solution, but if so I don't know
> it.
> ----------
> It was my understanding that Jerome Fine did y2k fixes (commercially) for
> rt11 years ago. Is he still around the list?
> J
Thanks for your replies Paul and Jay.

I spent the last hour cobbling together a GitHub Repository for RSTS-E

It's at

I've included a context diff for the FIT patches I mentioned and an updated
FIT.TSK image built for RSTS/E V10.1 with BASIC-Plus V2.7 (and also the
Mentec RT-11 V5.7 release notes that discuss the time word changes), along
with an Ethernet patch that Paul posted about in 2016 to increase DECnet
performance under SIMH PDP11.

I also found the cover letter for the Mentec RSTS/E V10.1A Year 2000 Update
and included this.  Someone out there may be able to provide further

At some later stage I'll start collecting other RSTS/E software that I wrote
and upload it too.  It's silly to keep this hidden away only to be be lost
forever when I'm gone!


Tony Nicholson <tony.nicholson at>

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