BYTE Magazines

jim stephens jwsmail at
Fri Jun 5 02:07:44 CDT 2020

On 6/4/2020 8:42 AM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
> I'm looking for a photographic ad placed by ACP (Advanced Computer 
> Products). 
I want to thank Bill Degnan and Patrick Finnegan for solving this. At 
least I have the photo I was looking for.

Bill offered kindly to scan any issue I need.  But Patrick found an ACP 
flyer which had the photo I recall, along with some other 
accomplishments on an insertion to a copy of Byte he had.

I think the issue with the photo is still out there, but at least now 
I've got the photo.  I will put an update somewhere and point at it later.

Much appreciate their help.

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