Pro-Log M980 Programmer

Brent Hilpert bhilpert at
Sat Jul 24 09:55:59 CDT 2021

On 2021-Jul-24, at 2:36 AM, DI Gerhard Kreuzer via cctalk wrote:
> I own a Pro-Log M980 Prom Programmer and want to program a 2732 EProm. I
> have everything needed, but how can I get the data in?
> There is a serial interface, did anybody have some program for a standard
> PC to handle that daa transfer?
> Cabling istn't an issue, can do it.
> Thanks for helping.

Do you not have the manual? The M980 manual is on bitsavers.

I have the slightly earlier M900 model, by the front panel they're quite similar. I've used it for programming 2716s, although it's been a few years. IIRC it's an ASCII-format protocol for RS-232 serial, so you just have to have a terminal program you can dump a file through.

Be careful about the hardware communications interfaces. The 9-pin D connector labeled 'serial interface' is not the RS-232 serial standard. There were several firmware and hardware communication options. Do you have the pro-log adapter, or are you making an assumption about what's there?  My unit had the RS-232/serial firmware option but was missing the RS-232 adapter, so I had to build one (can be done with just a MAX232 IC).

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