
TCP/IP Package For TSX-Plus Documentation

-... Software Installation

   The TCP/IP Package software components should be installed as
described  in  the  following  sections.   The  ethernet  device
handler  specific to your particular hardware configuration must
be copied to the TSX-PLUS system device.  The logical  name  as-
signments used by the package are:  

     1.  TCP:   Location of client/server programs 
                and assorted configuration, message, 
                and help files.  

     2.  PAS:   Location of password files.  

     3.  ENx:   Selected device driver units 0-3.  

   The  logical  name  assignments  MAI:, location of mailboxes,
HTP:, location of HTTP home directory, and GPH:, location of GO-
PHER files, may be used in various command files.  

   The TCP/IP Package for TSX-Plus executables are found on log-
ical disks TSDSK1.DSK, TSDSK2.DSK, and TSDSK3.DSK.  The required
device handlers are found on the logical disk DVRDSK.DSK.  

Configurations The TSX-Plus package may be installed in one of the following three configurations: 1) Install All Files on System Device All command files and client/server programs are copied directly to your system disk. Assign SY: to TCP:. This confi- guration puts everything in one place but installs about 90 files (and 2100 blocks) on your system disk. 2) Install Only Command Files on System Device Create a seperate logical disk (assigned as TCP:) for the client/server programs and perhaps seperate logical disks for the password files (assigned as PAS:) and mail boxes (assigned as MAI:). Copy the command files to the system directory. This will install about 50 files (and 50 blocks) on your system device. 3) Install All Files on a Logical Disk Create a seperate logical disk (assigned as TCP:) for the package and perhaps seperate logical disks for the password files (assigned as PAS:) and mail boxes (assigned as MAI:). Copy all the files to the TCP: disk. This configuration re- quires the user to specify the TCP: logical when using any TCP/IP command file or program but removes all files from the system disk. CCL commands may be defined to obviate the need for using TCP:, see the file TSXUCL.INS for a complete set of definitions. Edit the file to include only the CCL definitions you wish defined.
=> Section Index

Software Components The following annotated list summarizes the software components: 1. TCP/IP Network Server 1. DETACH.TSX detached job startup command file 2. TCPIP.COM TCPIP startup command file 3. TCPIP.SAV TCPIP network server Program 4. TCPIP.CFG TCPIP configuration file 2. Telnet Client 1. TELNET.COM TELNET startup command file 2. TELNET.SAV TELNET client program 3. Remote TELNET Server 1. RTELNT.SRV TELNET server detached job startup 2. RTELNT.COM TELNET server startup command file 3. RTELNT.SAV TELNET server program 4. RTELNT.MSG TELNET server message file 5. RTELNT.HLP TELNET server help file 4. CNCT Client 1. CNCT.COM CNCT startup command file 2. CNCT.SAV CNCT client program 5. Remote CNCT Server 1. RCNCT.SRV CNCT server detached job startup 2. RCNCT.COM CNCT server startup command file 3. RCNCT.SAV CNCT server program 4. RCNCT.MSG CNCT server message file 5. RCNCT.HLP CNCT server help file 6. FTP Client 1. FTP.COM FTP startup command file 2. FTP.SAV FTP client program 3. FTPCMD.TXT FTP command help text 7. FTPL Client 1. FTPL.COM FTPL startup command file 2. FTPL.SAV FTPL client program 8. Remote FTP Server 1. RFTP.SRV FTP server detached job startup 2. RFTP.COM FTP server startup command file 3. RFTP.SAV FTP server program 4. RFTP.MSG FTP server message file 5. RFTP.HLP FTP server help file 9. MAIL Client 1. MAIL.COM MAIL startup command file 2. MAIL.SAV MAIL client program 3. MAICMD.TXT MAIL command help text 10. MMAIL Client 1. MMAIL.COM MMAIL startup command file 2. MMAIL.SAV MMAIL client program 3. MMACMD.TXT MMAIL command help text 11. POP3 Mail Server 1. RPOP3.SRV RPOP3 server detached job startup 2. RPOP3.COM RPOP3 server startup command file 3. RPOP3.SAV RPOP3 server program 12. MAILER Task 1. MAILER.SRV MAILER task detached job startup 2. MAILER.COM MAILER task startup command file 3. MAILER.SAV MAILER task program 13. Remote MAIL Server 1. RSMTP.SRV MAIL server detached job startup 2. RSMTP.COM MAIL server startup command file 3. RSMTP.SAV MAIL server program 4. RSMTP.HLP MAIL server help file 14. Local Printer Utilities 1. LLPC.COM LLPC local start printer queue 2. LLPQ.COM LLPQ local printer queue status 3. LLPR.COM LLPR local print command 4. LLPRM.COM LLPRM local remove print job 5. LLPQRM.SAV LLPxx local printer control program 15. Remote LPD Server 1. RLPD.SRV RLPD server detached job startup 2. RLDP.COM RLPD server startup command file 3. RLPD.SAV RLPD server program 16. Printer Daemon 1. LPRINT.SRV LPRINT task detached job startup 2. LPRINT.COM LPRINT task startup command file 3. LPRINT.SAV LPRINT task program 4. LPDQRM.CFG LPRINT configuration file 17. Remote Printer Utilities 1. LPC.COM LPC local start printer queue 2. LPQ.COM LPQ local printer queue status 3. LPR.COM LPR local print command 4. LPRM.COM LPRM local remove print job 5. LPQRM.SAV LPxx local printer control program 18. Remote Binary File Printing 1. NTSND.COM NTSND client startup command file 2. NTSND.SAV NTSND client program 19. Remote HTTP Web Server 1. RHTTP.SRV RHTTP server detached job startup 2. RHTTP.COM RHTTP server startup command file 3. RHTTP.SAV RHTTP server program 20. Remote Gopher Server 1. RGOPH.SRV RGOPH server detached job startup 2. RGOPH.COM RGOPH server startup command file 3. RGOPH.SAV RGOPH server program 4. RGOPH.CFG RGOPH server configuration list 21. Password and Authorization Files 1. PASWRD.COM Password startup command file 2. PASWRD.SAV Password program 3. PASWRD.FIL Password and authorization data file 22. Client/Server Monitor 1. SKTMON.COM Monitor startup command file 2. SKTMON.SAV Monitor program 23. Subdirectory Utilities 1. LCD.COM Change directory command file 2. LDEL.COM Delete file command file 3. LDIR.COM List directory command file 4. LLS.COM List directory command file 5. LMKDIR.COM Make directory command file 6. LPRO.COM Protect file command file 7. LRENAM.COM Rename file command file 8. LRMDIR.COM Delete Subdirectory command file 9. LUNP.COM Unprotect file command file 10. UTIL.SAV Utilities program 24. Subdirectory Summary Utility 1. LDISKS.COM Subdirectory summary command file 2. RFTHLP.COM Generate RFTP.HLP command file 3. LDISKS.SAV Subdirectory summary program file 25. Miscellaneous Files 1. ABRTCP.SAV Abort all Client/Server programs 2. ABRTJB.COM Abort Client/Server Job command file 3. ABRTJB.SAV Abort Client/Server Job program 4. KILLM.SAV Kill all Client/Server Messages 5. REMOVE.COM Remove all Client/Server global regions
=> Section Index

Installation in Detail Complete the hardware installation as described in the chapter titled Hardware Installation. Under TSX-Plus the most convenient installation is: 1. Create TSXTCP.DSK[2400] as TCP:, a logical disk for the TCP/IP files 2. Create PASWRD.DSK[200] as PAS:, a logical disk for the password files 3. Optionally Create MAIL.DSK[nnn], a logical disk for the MAIL directory 4. Optionally Create HTTP.DSK[nnn], a logical disk for the HTTP home directory 5. Optionally Create GOPHER.DSK[nnn], a logical disk for the GOPHER directory NOTE The MAIL, HTTP, and GOPHER directories are needed only if you are going to use the mail, http, or gopher servers. The size of the MAI:, HTP:, and GPH: logical disks are what- ever is needed. 6. Copy the contents of the distribution disks TSDSK1, TSDSK2, and TSDSK3 to TCP:. 7. Copy and rename (as EQ.TSX or EU.TSX) the appropriate device handler from the logical disk DVRDSK.DSK to SY:. (See the chapter on device handlers for more informa- tion on selecting the appropriate device handler.) 8. Edit the file TCP:TSXUCL.INS to include the CCL com- mands you want. 9. Create a command file which will mount and assign the logical disk for TCP: and add the line '@TCP:TSXUCL.INS' at the end. Include this file in the LINEx.TSX startup files. 10. Copy PASWRD.SAV and PASWRD.FIL to PAS:. 11. Edit the command file TCP:PASWRD.COM to mount and as- sign the logical disk PAS:. 12. Update the password file. The password file contains an anonymous account which you will need to update or delete. If you delete the anonymous account then add at least one valid account for initial testing with remote FTP enabled. 13. Edit the file TCP:TCPIP.CFG for your configuration. Your machine's name and IP address are required and the specification of a name server and gateway may be re- quired for your network. 14. Edit TCP:TCPIP.COM to mount TCP: and assign units 0-3 of the device handler to EN0-3. Copy this file to SY:. 15. Edit or create the TSX detached job startup file SY:DETACH.TSX to include the line 'detach sy:tcpip.com'. 16. Edit the files TCP:*.SRV to mount and assign the logi- cal disks for TCP:, PAS:, MAI:, HTP:, and GPH: as re- quired by the particular service. (Since the servers are run as detached jobs these need to be defined when the job starts.) 17. Update your TSX configuration by following the section on TSX-Plus system generation. 18. Reboot your TSX-Plus system. Verify that the job TCPIP is running. (If the job did not start then check that SY:TCPIP.COM has TCP: defined correctly, the confi- guration file path is correct, the device assignments are correct, and file TCPIP.CFG is correct. Try start- ing the TCPIP server from the console: ru/single TCP:TCPIP, enter the command line arguments at the argv: prompt and see what errors the program gives.) 19. Verify that another networked computer can communicate with your machine by doing a 'ping'. Don't know what a ping is? Skip this step. (verifies that TCPIP is able to respond to data sent over the Ethernet wire) 20. Attempt to Telnet or FTP to a local computer using only the IP number of that computer. (verifies connections are possible) 21. Attempt to Telnet or FTP to a local computer using the computer's name. The computer's name and IP address must not be in the TCPIP.CFG file. (verifies that the name server entry is correct) 22. Attempt to Telnet or FTP to a machine not on your local network. If you use the machine's name then the name server must be working or the machine's name and IP number must be in the configurataion file TCP:TCPIP.CFG. (verifies that the gateway entry is correct) 23. Attempt to FTP to your computer from some other networked machine using your machine's IP address. If your machine's name has not been added to the name server you must use the IP number. (verifies that the RFTP.SRV configuration is correct and that password checking is working) Essentially your installation is now complete. You only need to update the password file to specify user/password informa- tion, access rights, and default FTP and MAIL directories. In- dividual program configuration information is contained in the chapter titled Program Options.
=> Section Index

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