Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site

TRS-80 Revived Site by Ira Goldklang's is an archive of everything related to the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 microcomputer lines. Site contains emulators, programs, manuals, books, patches, games, hints, discussions, questions, forums, and tons more.

Emulators – XTRS Emulator in Debian 6.0

by @ 10:58 am on July 13, 2011.
[Model I]      [Model III]
Getting Tim Mann’s XTRS TRS-80 Model I, III, and 4 emulator running in Debian 6.0
[Model IV]      [Model 100]

      This will guide you through the process of downloading, compiling, and getting Tim Mann’s XTRS TRS-80 Model I, III, and 4 emulator running in Debian 6.0. If you wish to Download the Source, and Compile XTRS the following steps will assist you in doing that because the latest version of XTRS is not in the repo’s. If you choose to install xtrs from the repositories, versus compiling the latest version……. just proceed to the SETUP FOR RUNNING XTRS: Section below.
This guide was originally written by Larry Kraemer but has been edited by me.
Initial Steps:
1. Download the Source code for Version 4.9D from Tim’s Website
2. Extract the xtrs-4.9d folder to your xtrs subdirectory. NOTE: ROM files are not included..
For ZIP Files:
cd ~
unzip ~/Downloads/
ls -alt xtrs-4.9d
For TAR.GZ Files:
cd ~
tar ~Downloads/xvzf xtrs-4.9d.tar.gz
ls -alt xtrs-4.9d
3. Install software necessary for compile:
Typically you need to install build-essential and the headers for the kernel you are running, if you are going to compile code.
uname -r
will tell you the kernel you are currently running.
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
will install the software needed to compile your code.
4. Compile (note: these are typical steps; and should be done from within your source directory):
make clean
sudo make install
Note: “make clean” won’t remove anything on the first compile, but will clean up on a successive compile.
Compile XTRS v4.9d from the Source Code:
1. Use Synaptics to install the following Library Files needed for the Compile:
2. Create a required subdirectory (Create the subdirectory man1 located immediately under /man with 755 permissions):
cd /
cd /usr/local/share/man
ls -alt man
sudo mkdir man1
sudo chmod 755 man1
ls -alt
cd man1
ls -alt
The resulting directories should look like this:
drwxrwsr-x 3 root staff 4096 Apr 30 07:36 man
drwxrwsr-x 2 root staff 4096 Jul 10 05:41 man1
3. Compile & Install (no configure file exists, and no errors from compile assumed):
make clean
sudo make install

Setup for Running XTRS:
1. Remove any previous Symbolic linked files (if any):
cd ~/xtrs/xtrs-4.9d
sudo rm disk4-0
sudo rm disk4-1
Model 1 files will be disk1-0, disk1-1, disk1-2, disk1-3
Model 3 files will be disk3-0, disk3-1, disk3-2, disk3-3
Model 4 files will be disk4-0, disk4-1, disk4-2, disk4-3
And real hardware drives can be used via Symbolic linking.
2. Copy Model I, Model III, Model 4, and Model 4P ROM image files to /usr/local/lib/xtrs
cd ~/xtrs
sudo cp level2.rom /usr/local/lib/xtrs/level2rom.hex
sudo cp model3.rom /usr/local/lib/xtrs/romimage.m3
sudo cp model4.rom /usr/local/lib/xtrs/romimage.m4
sudo cp model4p.rom /usr/local/lib/xtrs/romimage.m4p
(The above assumes that the ROM files are included in the xtrs subdirectory).
(If you are using Montezuma Micro 2.31 CP/M, use mkdisk to reset the write protect attribute of the file, so you can use CONFIG to change the Drive Parameters and save the settings. If you don’t change the file to unprotected, you won’t be able to save the parameters so the settings won’t survive a reboot.)
mkdisk -u -k filename.dmk
mkdisk -u -k MMCPM231.DSK
4. Create the Symbolic Links to the files you will use, and to real TRS-80 Model 1, 3, or 4 Drives:
ln -s /home/larry/xtrs/Mmcpm231/MMCPM231.DSK disk4-0
ln -s /home/larry/xtrs/Mmcpm231/MMTOOLS.DSK disk4-1
ln -s /dev/fd0 disk4-2
ln -s /dev/fd1 disk4-3
5. Run xtrs (adjust keystretch down to around 500 from 4000 to prevent multiple keystrokes depending on how fast your Host system is running):
/usr/local/bin/xtrs -keystretch 400 -autodelay -model 4 -romfile ~/xtrs/ROMS/model4.rom -diskdir .
Use the F8 Function Key to EXIT the Emulator.
Use the F11 Function Key for HELP on the Emulator.
6. There is a man page with lots more information located here
7. Now you have the full running Radio Shack OS of your choice available, assuming you know how to operate the Old Radio Shack Model 1, 3, 4, & 4P Computers.
8. Copy the saved xtrs-usr-share-doc folder to /usr/share/doc/xtrs.
To get these documents you need to install the version in the repo’s and then copy the files to a flash drive or your hard drive’s temporary storage location. That was why Larry named the folder xtrs-usr-share-doc. If you just compile the source, you won’t get the packaged documents that are included in the source release. So, Larry installed the version from the repo, copied the docs, and then uninstalled the repo version by using Synaptics package manager, and compiled the source. After that Larry just copied the documentation to where it needed to be.
sudo cp ~/path/to/saved/usr-share-doc/folder /usr/share/doc/xtrs

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